Saturday, January 15, 2011


So last night I woke up and spent some time with Ollie. He once again was "restless" or "inconsolable"  He kept asking for things, and I did my best to figure out what he was asking for and finally I came to the conclusion that it was just time.

I think he has a few more days in him, but I am not sure I can bring him to the end, and while this sounds and feels horrible to say and think, a few more days is just not convenient for us.  Tomorrow being Sunday and the vet being closed, then the start of the work week, where we should be at work.  If he perked up and we waited, he would be alone most of the day, and we both come home after the vet closes, so if something happens...

since this has no chance of getting better, it is better to err on the side of too early... and since he's shown that this is physically and emotionally effecting him, this - to me anyway - is no longer too early. 

In a perfect world with no jobs and time to just be with him, I think I would wait, but I think the responsible thing to do is to let him go now.

Unfortunately this is the one day of the month my vet is closed.  I so should have called yesterday when I got home from work just to see what my options were, but at that point I don't think I would have brought him in last night.  But maybe if my vet knew where we stood, he might have offered to be available today.. (we used to work together) but then again maybe not.

I know the shelter can offer the service, but I don't know if they will.  Several years ago they put my rabbit down for me (Tobin) when he became unresponsive.  I'm going to go talk to my friend and see what they can help me with. 

If the worst happens, there is always the emergency clinic.  If not, there is always Monday... which as I hope I stated above doesn't seem - at this point anyway - to be too far away.

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