
Monday, January 30, 2012

My first official review

Surfing around the cat bloggosphere, I kept seeing reviews on other cat blogs from cat related products and I always thought, Hey! that I could do that.

Most of the reviews have been positive and I always thought, I wonder if they really are positive or if people just do that so more places will ask them to review things.  I also thought if I ever get a chance to do that I'll mention the good and the bad.

So here we go on my first official "please review my product" review.. (so yes, I got a code from them worth $50 to make this purchase but the opinions are all my own - well and Fleurps)

Big surprise.  *smile* 

I got this email on 1/26:
Hi Connie,

My name is Brent Rangen from, an online pet food retailer offering over 70 brands of pet food, treats and supplies.

Your Tails from the foster kittens website speaks directly to our target demographic and you've clearly created an influential presence. I would like to offer you a $50 coupon to use on our website in exchange for an honest review of our services.

We have had a couple of bloggers use their promo code for contest sponsorship, which would be something you can feel free to do as well.

Unfortunately we are only able to ship to the US currently excluding AK & HI. Would this opportunity be something your website would be interested in participating in?

Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to hear you from you!

Best Regards,

Brent Rangen

Well I'm nothing if not brutally honest, so I replied as such and Brent sent me the code anyway. He was sure that his company would preform well and get the 28 paws up (hey, that's what happens when you have seven cats)  So that night I went shopping and placed my order.

Well the first strike against them, no raw food.  *shucks*  OK so then I'll be buying for the foster kittens when they show up.

Second strike, the 15% off banner on the website. It looks like this...
I got a little excited thinking I'd get to buy almost $60 worth of food, so I clicked for more info and I read all the way to the bottom of the pop up till I found that you only get it if you buy autodelivery.  Now granted, this can be a really great feature, I just don't think you should bury the lead in such a way.

OK fine, I *only* get $50 worth of cat food.. (yes, you can laugh at me here)

So now what do I do?  I search for canned cat food, I see a number of different brands, I see a number of different flavors.. but if I just pick something and order it, is that really an interesting review?  so I decided to do something a little different.

Since I feed raw and have for years I'm a little out of the loop on what foods are out there.  I do get a small bag of dry food  to give as "treats" to my cats every couple of months.  It is the easiest way to gather all of my cats from all corners of the house for what ever reason.  I usually buy the first bag I find that doesn't have a plant as the first ingredient and isn't filled with fruits and veggies.  I'm a little particular when it comes to food for my crew, and I thought this would be an interesting chance to learn more about the foods out there.  So, meat as the first ingredient, not filled with fruits and veggies, and I would prefer it not to have fish or fish meal in it.  So I looked at the first five bags, and was a little annoyed at the process.  Click on an item, scroll down, click on ingredients, hit back start over.  Pretty standard, but my machine hadn't been rebooted in a while so it was slow going.  I see a live chat link, and think heck if I am going to review the website I might as well... so I clicked on it and got this... (I added the times other then that it is copied directly from the chat.  I noted times after any delays)
9:45Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Crystal'

Crystal: Hi there! How may I help you?

you: do you have a dry cat food that does not have fish as an ingredient?

Crystal: Just one moment and I will be more than happy to check that out for you.

9:47Crystal: Do you have any brand preference?

you: no

Crystal: Okay, one moment.

9:48Crystal: I am researching to see if I can find a dry cat food that doesn't list fish at all in their ingredients.

9:58Crystal: Is it an allergy issue?

you: no, it is a personal preference




you: Thank you. I was just about to mention California Naturals

you: I appreciate you taking the time to look with me and give me these options

Crystal: Of course!
So it seems that this isn't a standard question for them, and she searched for (or with since I was searching too) it while I waited.  Hopefully over time they keep a list of FAQs for the live chat and have things like this at the ready for the next person who asks.  Anyway.. I found a completely different product then the ones she mentioned, and I liked the ingredient list being so short so I decided to get that.  I also got two cases of canned for the kittens and ending up spending a total of $65.  

So, account open and purchased on Thursday night. (at 10PM none the less)
Got an email the order shipped on 1/27 at 11AM
it showed up Saturday at 9:30am.

not bad from PA to here.  (little surprised their address isn't obvious on their website.. I had to find it on the packing slip)

My other beef, they included a 'packing slip" with my order instead of a receipt.. aka no prices on it.  so to let the shelter know of the donation I'll have to print out my email receipt.  No big deal, but it is a little less official looking for a donation.  They know me so there will be no issue (nor with the company I work for as they do matching donations)

So, the package showed up on Saturday.. and there was much rejoicing. 
the box is in much better shape then the last pet food order
Twee says OPEN THIS!!
hey, it came with a toy..
WANT!  (which Fleurp? the food or the paper?)

He's still on my paper

The paper wasn't the only hit...

all worn out
So apparently The Crew gives Mr. Chewy's paws up all around, cause they sent boxes and paper.. (yea, they are easy)  I like that it was easy to find the food I wanted (if you know what you want it is super easy) and while it does take a little extra work if you don't know what you want, if your computer runs well it isn't any more work then going to a store and picking up bags to read labels... but there is someone there to help you if you know what you need.. (I doubt they'll pick out food for you) so aside from the nitpicking I did, I would say they earned the 27 paws and 1 thumb up.

and in case you are wondering about prices... Here are their prices then PetFoodDirect then Amazon for the three products I bought
16.99 / 18.49 / 18.99
27.99 / 27.99 / 28.49
19.99 / 21.99 / 19.08

And they also support charities via referrals:

If you enter my Refer-a-Friend code during checkout, you'll save an extra 10% off your first order.
Plus, will donate $10 split between Best Friends Animal Society, Bideawee, and North Shore Animal League!
Pretty cool!

Here's my code: CONN3865
Here's their site:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Have you ever heard...

Have you ever heard your kitties thoughts loud and clear??  They look at you and you have absolutely NO DOUBT what is going through their head?

I had just such a moment tonight.  I was late getting home and I was tired and hungry and so I proceeded to make my dinner.  The Crew were winding themselves around my ankles complaining that their dinner was also late and they were hungry.

A while ago, I purchased some dehydrated cat food to try to feed them when we didn't have enough raw food thawed out.  Well they didn't take well to it and it sat in the cupboard ever since.  Well I wanted to use it up, so I mixed it up and put it down for them.

They were all excited that their dinner plate was going down, and were doing the happy dance and singing.  Once the plate went down that all stopped.  They knew this was their dinner plate, they knew it was dinner time, but the "slop" on that plate was not food.. so several of them looked down at it, sniffed it, then looked at me and said "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS!!???"

They stood transfixed over the spot, hoping the food would transform into something edible..

well at least they stopped harassing me, because as my husband so eloquently put it when I recounted the story to him, cause obviously Momma doesn't know how to feed them

Friday, January 27, 2012

Our little girl

I keep forgetting just how small Kit is, because she spends most of her time snuggled up to or hounding my husband.  Occasionally she'll seek me out for attention and I'm reminded.  It is especially noticeable for me because I'm usually covered in Muffin, and she is easily double Kit's weight.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

JC Penny

Have you heard?

I am sure you have seen the über annoying commercial of people screaming. Well apparently Penny is going to really go with everyday prices and starting in February there will no longer have sales and everything will be marked down about 40%!!! Wow. And even better things won't end in .99. So a $24.99 pair of pants will be $12 (according to my local newscast)

I must say I am pleased and I will be going the next time I need clothes - or just to shop.

Although I have to say I am glad I do not work there. I can't imagine having to mark down the whole store. If I weren't over half an hour away I'd stop in sooner to see what was going on.

So what do you think? Will you be going?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a pet's will & testament

If you don't want to biggify, it says (and feel free to replace dog w/cat):

Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, give their home & all they have,
to those they leave behind.  if, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask...

To a poor lonely stray I'd give:

  • My happy home.
  • My boy & cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
  • The lap, which I loved so much.
  • The hand that stroked my fur & the sweet voice which spoke my name.
I'd Will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my
human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

So, when I die, please do not say, "I will never have a
pet again, for the loss and pain is more then I can stand."

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has
held no joy or hope and give MY place to HIM.

This is the only thing I can give..
               The love I left behind.

--Author Unknown
(Petco Foundation)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Duncan and his new big Brother

Remember that Frasier was renamed Duncan.. He and Brianna were adopted by a family that had a kitty "Perseus". Perseus didn't take to kittens like a duck to water, but rather like a cat to kittens or Robyn and Fred's ducks to their pond... There were a few tense intros, but on the whole I would say it went swimmingly.

Stopped by the Shelter.

On Friday the 13th, I saw that Tamar at was doing a give away.  One only had to email and be one of the first 20 and they would get a 15lb bag of Science Diet's new corn free food.  Well since I don't feed SD I emailed saying that I would donate it to the shelter I foster for.

Apparently I was too late, but Tamar was sweet enough to appreciate the donation and she gave me one of her personal codes.

I went over to and placed an order.  There was a little confusion on getting the code to work, but once it was in the whole process went pretty smoothly.  I got the confirmation email on the 14th, and it mailed on the 18th.  It arrived on the 19th.  Pretty impressive especially for free shipping.  Unfortunately the box it came in was damaged (nor was there any information on the outside of the box to say who it came from.. I am not a fan of that) but the bag inside was just fine.

I had to put it in my car to prevent Jack from chewing on the bag.  Not to say that he gives this food his two paws up, but just that he has a long extensive history of chewing through bags of food and food like substance (like wheat and corn based litters)

I finally got up the nerve to go to the shelter and return Spooky's needles and such (nerve because it made me sad to gather  up the bits of her life left here).  I also had a stack of pill vials that I knew the shelter could use and a few other things that I took to assist one cat or another and should have gone back. 

The people at the shelter hadn't heard of the food, and were interested in it.  Fortunately they are still not hurting for food (I can't tell you how much that warms my heart) but unfortunately that means my hefty donation of $40 food wasn't fawned over as much as some of my other donations in the past.  Hey, this isn't about being fawned over, it's about feeding cats.  Besides, too much fawning makes me uncomfortable.

The kitties were all pretty much bedded down for the night, so I didn't spend a lot of time there.  There was one black girl who was turned in on the 19th that was freaked out of her gourd.  She was growly and hissy, and swatted at the staff who tried to feed her.  I tried to make nice with her, but she wasn't buying any of my "it's going to be OK" moves.  Oddly enough she did walk out of her hidey hole to see me better when I looked at one of the kitties below her.  She was sending off very mixed signals.  I so wanted to take her home and let her chill in my foster room, but that really wouldn't help her adjust to the shelter.

I did see a notice of someone looking for a pet sitter for several months, so I thought I'd call and offer my foster room, but she has found a situation for the kitty, so that wasn't necessary.

So it is still just me, and Jack, and Muffin, and Eli, and Twee, and Kit, and Fleurp, and Skippy.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A morning hug

Last night Jack came up and sat on my chest as I was laying in bed.  He has a habit of putting his paw over one of my fingers (OK sometimes I slip my finger under his paw) and he contracts his paw and "holds" my hand.  It is one of the things that is dear to me about my cats (along with Muffin using me as a throne and Kit's gazing with love at DH) but early this morning he did something that gave me warm fuzzies as big as the mountains..

For some reason, those first few moments of "I think I'm awake but I'm not really sure" are the most precious to my cats.  Generally I wake up with out cats but shortly there after I have four or five moving into position on me.  How they can all get along is one of the great miracles of that early morning love fest.

This morning was a little different.  I was on my side, hands under my pillow, when I felt Jack nose his way across me from my back to my nose.  This is nothing new.  Lately he has decided that I really like his cold nose on my warm neck.  What was new was that he put his paw on my chin and contracted his paw.  He was laying all over me, and I swear he was hugging me.

It was an incredibly precious gift


I just got a comment from Donna's new owners. 
on November 21, 2011 I adopted Donna. She is doing really good and getting really big! She love's her daddy! I thought you would like to know how she was doing.
This made me smile.  Donna was the least outgoing of the group, and it warms my heart to hear she has bonded so well with one of her new owners.  Not that I didn't imagine she would.  Just as we know the sun will come out after a rain, it is always nice to see it.

I'm assuming Jamie stopped by and posted this.  Thank you Jamie, feel free to send me photos - I've posted my email  on the side bar.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Hey Momma, whatcha doin??

It snowed, you should stay in with us!

Yes yes, lay on this comfy couch with us Momma!!!
Seriously, how do I EVER get to work??

Thursday, January 19, 2012

In the news, Fleas..

Have you heard the news? there is a new flea product on the market designed specifically for cats, and it is called Assurity.

According to this news article on The VPN it has been out for a while.  I would suggest you read the Comments, because while this seems like such a good idea, apparently it isn't.  All the comments I read were from people who used the product and it had some major side effects, from mopey cats to hair falling out.

And I also saw that Novartis also released new products.. Parastar for dogs and EasySpot for cats are species-specific formulations of fipronil, a flea and tick adulticide.  I couldn't find any reviews on it, probably because it isn't out yet. 

Too many new flea and tick products have come on the market and had major side effects.  Yes, we all hate fleas, but you need to be aware of the risks of the products you are using, and those risks really aren't well known until they have been out on the market for a while.  It is sad to think of other cats and dogs being test subjects, and it is sad to think better them then me... but I think I'll stick with the flea meds I know then risk the ones I don't...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I was actually not going to blog today.. both because I was feeling a little wordless after what recently happened and because of SOPA/PIPA.  Granted I didn't "black out" my website, but I figured not posting would be the next best thing.

Then I saw a few people I know asking why anti-piracy was such a bad thing.  I mean it sounds like a good thing doesn't it??


I saw this..   (it's a little crass, but it explains it)

What it doesn't really explain though, is that if I were to show up on YOUR blog and post an image like this - WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT - and "they" found it before you did and removed it (think comments or forums) then "they" could shut your site down for having it on there.  No cease and desist, no discussion, no waiting for my trying to prove it is or isn't pirated..

Just like music companies have had some videos taken down off YouTube for having kids dance to their songs..

No wonder "big business" loves this.  They can take down all kinds of sites and then use their lawyers and legal departments to fight you when you try to fight back.  I don't know about you, but I don't have the money to do much other then cry if someone comes along and stomps on my website.  Which in turn means that $$=rights.  They have $$ so they have rights.. I don't, so I don't.

Do it for the kittens!!

(thank you to The Onion for the gif and to for the post that showed me the gif above)

PS.. My representative in congress strongly opposes SOPA/PIPA!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

not everything in life is happy

And you can not win them all.

Sadly I got the call today.  Poor Spooky (aka Beatrice) was euthanized this morning.  It kills me a little because the last time I saw her she was so happy and robust.  Now she hadn't eaten well since last Tuesday and had been vomiting, so I'm sure she was no longer...

well lets just not go there.

I am pretty sure I knew this was coming as much as I wanted to deny it.  Friday I saw a rare snow rainbow.  It was really quite interesting, because it was snowing to my right, but not to the left, and while it was faint, it was there.  This is not my image..
"Borrowed" from
Thank you darlin for gracing my days and letting me pat your belly..

 I didn't want to use her given name on this blog, because she was owner surrendered and I wasn't sure if the owner would be looking for information on her or not.  My blog has been linked by the shelter in the past, and I figured a bit of anonymity (yea, but I used pictures, so I probably was a bit silly in this) might not be a bad thing.  But I couldn't seem to call her anything other then Spooky off this blog (as much as I wanted to, I didn't think that was an appropriate name for her cause she was anything but spooky.. *smile*)

She came to me with a file half a ream thick.  Despite her outward appearance and wonderful demeanor she came with history.  I'm sure the stress of being given up was the straw..


and just to add a little smile to this sad morning.. When I did a search for "snow rainbow" to find an image, I found this.  No, seriously, this... 
This puts an end to the 2011 fostering season.. and thus begins Kitten Watch 2012.  Any bets when the first kittens come in?  (I'll mention there is probably a foot of snow out there)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Foster Free

It really is quite odd not to have another cat to look after with Beatrice stuck at "Sleep Away Camp".  I mean I foster most of the spring, all summer and all fall, and usually right through the new year (as I did this year) and then I generally take care of my husband's aunt's cat "Boots"
Boots is unimpressed at my attempt to .. well do anything actually.
Unfortunately she is not doing well.  Neither is her husband for that matter, and this year they aren't going to Florida.  Well I'm sure Boots doesn't mind one little bit, but my heart goes out to the entire family every time I think of them.

Then there was pet sitting for a former foster of mine and his sister.  I have great photos of them somewhere, but the search feature on my blog says "oh no you don't!"   I have sat for them twice, but not in a while..
Teddy from his stint as a weather cat
There have been a few other diabetic cats that I have taken in during the winter months.  Another adult kitty who I fostered for a while to help him settle.  Licorice's fur was a mess and once I got him groomed he looked pretty sad.  He became settled, and better groomed, and he went back to the shelter, mostly because he didn't really bond with me (or my husband) at all and seemed very lonely.  Unfortunately the shelter got a major ringworm outbreak and he became a part of the casualties of trying to manage that.  It was not a popular decision, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

*sigh*  this post is becoming quite a downer isn't it??

Well I did get new picts of Brianna and (new)Duncan.  Seems they are doing quite well.  Sadly their older brother is having some issues that were most likely brought to the surface of the stress of his housemate and the addition of two new whippersnappers.  The Peoples are committed to making everyone happy - which is oh so wonderful to hear.   Older brother is under a vet's care and seems to be doing better, and I suspect we'll have a happy harmonious household (apparently I am a fan of alliteration) soon.

She says "The kittens are great and growing! Playful but also snugly :)"

:)  don't we all love snugly?
(new)Duncan's bedroom eyes (and look at those ears!!)
Sleepy boy
Oh how I just want to kiss her forehead..

I also had to share this..
I could not stop laughing, because I had the exact same thing happen at my house.  I originally bought a magnetic cat door when Em was diagnosed with cancer.  I wanted her to have a place to eat that the other cats couldn't get to.  (it worked except Em was too slow, and the other cats would be able to put their nose on her tail and follow her in.  One day every single cat was in there with her)  well it took a lot of abuse and so when Ollie was diagnosed with cancer, I thought I would replace it.  He won't eat if he is locked up, but I was hopeful that he'd be willing to go into a closed up room if he could do it on his own.  Well the door I bought was not well constructed and Muffin and Jack (my dish washer and garbage disposal) sat there and worked on it and got through it several times.  So we made a few modifications and one day I heard a loud noise and rushed to see Muffin with her own version of the above.  Well that went back to the store the next day.  I would have replaced it, but Ollie wasn't all that willing to go through a small hole with the cancer on his leg.

wow.. this is a bummer of a post isn't it?  Here, here's another kitten..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Extended sleep away camp

I know very little other then she's still not eating so the vet wouldn't let her go.

You should see the pile of cat toys at the foot of my bed.  I think The Crew is trying to distract me.  Fleurp just brought in a mouse, and yesterday both Jack and Twee brought toys in at the same time, then dropped them at the same time.  They are both noisy toy carriers (meow meow meow meow meow) and it just made me laugh.

Anyway.  Here's hoping that Beatrice is doing well.  Maybe even working her charm on the staff of the clinic so maybe one will adopt her and give her a home..

hey, you never know, stranger things have happened..

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sleep away camp for Beatrice

I don't know quite what I was expecting, and I guess on some level I was expecting her to have to spend the night, but I am sad that she's not home.

The vet she went to wanted to keep her over night to run a series of tests including an xray and blood work.  Beatrice has a history of pancreatitis, so they are being cautious.

They are also talking about switching insulin, which I must say I'm a little happy about.  I'm not all that comfortable with Lantus in cats.  As Jamie so kindly told us, Lantus is a much longer insulin then I'm used to.  I could wrap my brain around giving insulin that lasts for 24 hours, but that isn't quite how it works in cats (from what I've understood about what I've read)  There is a bit of a 12 hour curve (meaning the cat's blood sugars will drop over six hours then rise the next six) in cats and so they (people with lots of experience with Lantus in cats) recommend injecting every 12 hours not every 24, and I still don't quite understand what they mean by the "shed" of insulin that the cat pulls from (hence  my saying I feel like I'm injecting today for the cat to use tomorrow)

I don't know for sure they are going to change, as I got second hand information, so we are going to cross that bridge when we get to it.  I'm picking her up tomorrow if all goes well.

No kittens at the shelter :(  I guess with having so few cats in general I knew I was crazy for even hoping.  But I could use a little kitten snuggle right about now.  Muffin is trying to convince me she is a kitten, and that makes me smile.

I also learned that the shelter recently started a new program for dogs.  You may have seen similar programs on TV - I know I have.  It is where they bring puppies into the jail to work with the inmates to help them learn basic social skills for a few weeks.  The first batch of puppies went in around Thanksgiving and just went up for adoption.  I couldn't help but be so happy for the puppies, the shelter and the inmates.  It is very similar to what I do fostering kittens.  The inmates do write ups for the pups.  One even knitted her pup a sweater!! 

So an easy Friday night sitting here listening to the wind buffeting the house, hanging out with the crew and reading my new book.  I got Simon's Cat "in Kitten Chaos" for Christmas, and I can't wait to read it.  I just hope it doesn't give me kitten fever.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow day

well the weather outside is frightful.. I had an appointment this morning about an hour away on the highway, and I had to drive 30-40 MPH to feel comfortable.  I saw four people off the road, and I can't tell you the number of snow washes I had to drive over and had to pray each time that my little car would make it and not get stuck on it.

So I got home around noon.  I should be at work, but when I called in to tell them how atrocious it is out there, no one answered the phone, so I'm not going in.

Which is nice, but it also is a problem.
Beatrice in front of the litter box box she likes to sit on
I have been avoiding blogging about Beatrice because I was so hoping I was being alarmist and it would work itself out.  But she stopped eating... well not exactly stopped, but in comparison, it is stopped.  She will have a few bites, but then wanders off.  Tuesday night she vomited several times (all liquid) and Wednesday she vomited once.  Last night she vomited once as well.  I called the shelter and they are about to go home for the day thanks to Jack Frost.. so she's got an appointment tomorrow.
Not that you would know it to spend any time with her.
Belly scritches please!!
No no, she's not dancing, just rolling over. She totally prefers to give you back to pat after you pat the front...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Sweet Story

I just read this very sweet story of a kitty Saying a very special goodbye.  Really very sweet.  It made me smile and it made me tear up.

Totally worth sharing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


can I make that wow stand out any more??


What has me so stunned??  Well I was just on Facebook and the shelter I volunteer for posted that they currently only has six cats up for adoption..


I bet you are saying wow too!!

(I bet they also want a nice photo of Beatrice to put on their website too.  I mean it wouldn't be a website for an animal shelter with out at least ONE cat up for adoption!)

She licked me

I spent some time with Beatrice last night.  I got her to play a bit with a feather, and she had a little bit of fun with a crocheted mouse.  She's not really a player - she is definitely more a "purr-er".  My husband came down after I had been there for a while.  She had jumped up on top of the litter box box and was laying there purring.  He went over, and she turned up the volume.  It was so funny, it was like a little kid when you ask them to be even louder when they are being loud..

and yes, she licked me in a "your ok" kind of way.  A few little licks while I was giving her snuggles.. I think she thinks I'm OK..

but she wasn't thrilled with the raw I tried to sneak into her food.  I don't much like the fact that cats aren't very open minded after they are a few months old.  You have such a short window to introduce so much into their lives so they'll be cool with it when they are adults.  Ah well. It helps them survive, so I can't complain too much.

Who knew...

Looks like Jason Wu likes cats.. this is part of his new collection for Target.
(image completely stolen from their LookBook on FaceBook.)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I think she likes the new room.  She's still not quite as confident as I might like in a cat.  She hides under the couch a lot, but she does come right out when I enter the room.  Lately she's been sleeping on the couch when I walk in, but she immediately jumps down.  I keep telling her she doesn't have to, but she does.

She likes to sit just out of reach - as you can see in the video.  She likes to make you work for it.. lol.  She also likes to jump up on the litter box box (the top is padded) and pose.

She has recovered from the URI quite nicely.  She's eating well. I haven't weighed her since I moved her into the basement.  I spent several hours cleaning that room from the kits and was just so glad to move her down there that I forgot to bring the scale down, and I only ever remember when I'm in the basement.  One of these days I'll turn around and run back upstairs to get it, but it hasn't happened yet.

I believe I've already explained I have a lot of experience with diabetic cats, but all of it was with "old school" insulin, and she's on Lantus which is quite different and I feel like such a newbie.  Basically the injection you give today will be used tomorrow or even later... at least that is what I think it is like.  Feel free to correct me if you have a better quick definition

She's currently on half of a unit 0.5 which is basically a tear drop size amount of insulin and she's throwing some wacky numbers.  With the old insulin I would think she is going into rebound (aka she got too much insulin and instead of going too low her body is pumping out extra glucose to compensate)   Fortunately I have some people who are very experienced with this type of insulin trying to help me make sense of it all and they are quite encouraging. 

*sigh*  Jack is giving me bedroom eyes.. so it's time to give him some one on one time.. oh the sacrifices I make for that boy.. (oh yea, such a hardship on me to love this boy)

Brianna and Fraser

From hence forth will be called.... Brianna and Duncan.  :)  Can't say I object to the names, but it did make conversation with DH a little difficult as I was trying to explain who was adopted at the shelter and then the email update from owners of the kitty formerly known as Fraser...

All reports say they are doing well.  Both of them had some watery eyes and sneezing after they got home, but considering what they had gone through prior, I was not surprised in the least.  Surgery no matter how minor is trauma to the body, and then with the challenge of the rabies vaccine (and I'm assuming the FVRCP booster) to their immune systems.

I laid out a baby blanket in the kitten room the last few days they were there.  I made it a point to rub everyone down with it, then left it in a popular sleeping spot.  When the kits went back to the shelter, I put that in a bag and sent it off to their new home.  I wish I could do this with all of my kittens, but attempts in the past have failed.  I was told it helped them a lot - and as you can see in the first few photos they seemed to appreciate it.

They have yet to meet their big brother and that is going to wait until they have had their vet check ups which considering the watery eyes is a good idea.
I do really hope the parents of Mackenzie, Murray, Clair and the original Duncan check in, that would be fun!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Murray and Mack went home

I stopped in the shelter today to get some more food for Beatrice.  Duncan and Clair were in a cat room waiting for a home.  Yea for Murray and Mack.  May they have a wonderful life.
I went to the shelter in search of a particular flavor of Fancy Feast cat food.  It is lower in carbs and plant based ingredients. Cats can't properly digest plant based ingredients and diabetic cats often have dramatically lower blood sugar levels when they eat foods that have little to none of them in it. Well despite having a plethora of food, they didn't have any of the particular flavor I feed.  I was so happy to see the shelves full of large cans of food, but alas none of the one I need, so I'm off to the store here in a bit to get some more.

Speaking of cats and food, I just found this on Twitter, and thought it a very interesting read...

Now that the kittens are off, I'll be highlighting Beatrice a bit more.  Hopefully someone will take a liking to her and we can get her a new home.  If not, then I hope we can get her off insulin so she can go back to the shelter and find a new home there.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Couch

While I was making the new toy that I posted on Tuesday, DH got some help bringing in the new couch we bought.  We really like the chaise lounges we bought a few years ago in front of the TV, it makes it difficult to have friends over to watch movies.  We talked about getting a sectional on and off for years, but when my SIL asked me to help her find a chaise lounge that looked like ours (because she wanted another seat in her room and she liked ours so much) it seemed the time had come to get one.

Well of course now that we want one, there are none but the utmost expensive ones to be found. I do a lot of my shopping at the local retail salvage store (they get some really cool stuff in there you just have to go in often to be there when it comes in) and sadly they had nothing.  We tried the resale shops, and again nothing.  The local Big Lots store had three "sectionals" (They were just couches with one long side) for $700-$800.  Well they also have a cool rewards program that if you make 10 purchases over $20 you get a 20% coupon for your next purchase.  So, once I got my coupon, we bought it..
"Before" (you have to imagine the second chair in the open spot)
Mom,what happened??
We are thinking we are going to move the TV from the corner to the wall and readjust the angle of  everything, but for now it works for us.  The Crew is just going to take some time to get used to it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Multiple choice

I wonder who is more excited
  • Brianna and Fraser
  • Brianna and Fraser's new family
  • me
I know who is probably not all that excited, the kitty that lives with Brianna and Fraser's new family already.  I hope he transitions well and enjoys their kitten-y ways..

I so hope they ply me with pictures for quite some time to come..

Good Bye Kittens

Well the kittens went back to be neutered yesterday. Today Brianna and Fraser are headed to their new home.  The rest will be going up for adoption this weekend.  I pray for wonderful homes for all of them. 
So long and thanks for all the fish! ~Mack
oh Mack, you so funny