
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Photo Hunts - Thankful

I had the perfect picture in mind when I saw this week's theme. It was of a nice young man who came into the shelter I volunteer for who adopted one of my foster kittens. He was thankful for his new kitty, my kitty was thankful for a new home, and I was very thankful that people adopt, and that the kitty was getting a great home. Sadly, I couldn't find that photo.. so this was my next choice.


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    hmmmm, the kitty looks very thankful for her yummy meal! =)

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Caught in the act, huh?

    I have a Thankful post today too: Please stop by and take a look, and enter my Fame giveaway while you're visiting. Thanks.

  3. I am thankful that you work so hard to find homes for kitties who need them, that is very noble work. Your kitty looks so regal at the head of the table!

    My post is up at:

    Happy Photo Hunt!

  4. Anonymous2:01 PM

    At first I didn't see the cat at the end of the table. What a feast for a kitty!

  5. awwwww so awesome!!!

  6. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Is that lasagna for the kitty? He is so cute.
