
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MORE baby juice for Nigel.

and I still don't know why I am calling it that.  I can only assume that is because that is what Nigel thinks it is.. Last night I decided to just bring some down for him.  He is about half a pound behind his sisters (they are 2lbs 5 oz) and I figured calories are good.. Well he knew I had it, and NOTHING ELSE WOULD DO!!  I even brought them down some raw food and it was summarily dismissed waiting for KMR.    I even put a few drops of KMR on the raw and canned, nope, no good.. I want the real stuff lady!!

So finally I put it down for him, and he proceeded to cover up as much of it as he possibly could, you know when kittens eat from the far side of the bowl so their bodies cover up as much of the food as possible. His poor little tongue must have gotten really tired because he didn't stop lapping until I pulled him away for fear he was going to overwhelm his tummy.  Lily snuck in the side and got some, Bug figured it just wasn't worth it and there was better stuff to play with anyway.

he licked the bowl so clean you would have thought it came out of the dishwasher.

This morning the raw was gone, but most of the canned remained and Nigel weighed 1lb 14.5 oz!!

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