
Friday, July 15, 2011

Do a Little Dance...

Yahooie!!  I can't believe I won half a pallet of food from Romeo the Cat and PetCo and Royal Canin for the shelter!!

So happy... As you may (or may not) know I am a huge proponent of canned food for kitties ( explains why) and I bet you this is going to help a lot of cats and kittens stay nice and healthy at the shelter while they await their homes.

I usually donate a boat load of canned food to the shelter once a year... usually in the fall when donations start drying up, but I thought hey, if they are coming anyway with half a pallet, how much more could it be for a WHOLE pallet, so I contacted Romeo's mom and asked her to send along a note asking if I could do that.    Won't that be fun...


  1. Wow, fantastic! Congratulations...The shelter is lucky!

  2. Congratulations! And how generous of you to work toward doubling the gift!!

  3. Fantastic!! Concatulations to you and the shelter!

  4. I so wish I could give canned food to my kitty, but she throws up after eating any amount of it... there used to be some brands she could eat, but now all canned food makes her throw up. So I just give her dry food :(

  5. If it helps Sophie, a lot of people face the same problem. You are not alone out there.
