
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Eli - a breakthrough

It took ten years.  Ten years.  Let me say that again, ten freakin years..

but the other morning when I woke up I had an Eli on me.
Yes, I'm sure many of you have no idea how my heart sung because waiting ten years for a kitty to do this is just unfathomable.  heck, it is unfathomable to me too (and I can't believe unfathomable is not only a word but I spelled it right)

When I was able to get him to stop running from us when ever we moved, that was huge (and thank you Rescue Remedy for that) and when he stopped running from us when we walked in his general direction I thought that was huge.  The day I walked up to him and patted him.. HUGE.. The day he came up and asked for us to 'create static'.. well not so huge but pretty freaking awesome.. Then he started showing up in non-winter months and showing his belly for rubbin (although remaining at arms length).. and reminding me so much of his brother Kodi.. and it was impossible to resist him.

And then this.  To have him willingly come up and sit on top of me as I slept.. Eli, you have come a long way buddy!!

and if I didn't know it would bug you so, I would snag you and snuggle you and cover you with kisses.. but I so want you to do it again, I so won't.


  1. Aw, Connie, that's wonderful, truly wonderful. :-)

    We hope Eli does sit on top of you again!

  2. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, that is so cool! Moments like that are so heartwarming.

  3. Awesome! Congrats on yet another breakthrough!

  4. Concats Eli!! We are so proud of you....but mom is cringing of thinking it could take TEN YEARS to get Junior to like her. MOL

  5. Another 10 years and he will feel right at home! Well done :)
