
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Meira is at the shelter

I feel way worse then they reacted.  Meira looked confused as to what was going on, but did not react badly at all.  They fed her at the shelter and she ate quite happily.  I got home and the kittens were all playing and having a good time.  Moose seemed to be looking around a bit but not after a long long bout of play.

I got dewormer for them.  Hopefully that will help clear up the diarrhea they have going on right now, because if not I'm at a loss how to help them. They also had their first vaccines tonight and another nail trim so they will be all set to go visit work tomorrow.  Just a few hours out and about with other places to explore and other people to love on them.  It does wonders for their socialization.   I'm thinking I'll have these guys for at least three more weeks.. Maybe two if all goes incredibly well.


  1. Maybe Meira will settle now that she no longer has responsibilities!

  2. I wish Meira well and hope she adjusts quickly. I'm glad you're working on socializing the kittens now. I'm sure they will do great.
