
Friday, April 6, 2012


Well Petra's diarrhea apparently continued.. poor girl is going to need a bath.  as much as I am a staunch supporter of a species appropriate diet for all kitties I know full well that it is still very "granola" and not main stream.  Finding homes for these kitties is not going to be easy if they can't eat out of a can.  I'll probably wait until they are a bit older and try them on something else.  Probably wellness since I still have that case I ordered from Mr. Chewy a while back.

Meira has taken to nursing the kittens by the door to the foster room.  This makes it kind of difficult for me to get in and out of the room and thus the door stays open longer.  She has gotten a good look at several of the residents and said some not so very nice words to poor Twee who ran off with her tail between her legs.

Jack - who is usually one to not back down looked at her like he was horrible confused.  I couldn't help but wonder if he thought that Mirror Jack had moved his location.

Speaking of Mirror Jack (wonder if I'll just start calling him MJ), when I got home from work yesterday Jack ran over to meet me, then as I walked into the part of the main room where the mirror is, he then ran over to greet Mirror Mom.  Seriously, I think this boy needs some counseling..


  1. Oh, poor girl. :-(

  2. poor kittens

    and poor Jack (though mom says she thinks every home needs at least one cat like that for comic relief - we have Junior)

  3. No he just needs mirror orientation!! Poor Petra :(
