
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

and the kitteny-goodness continues

let you not forget, I have even more kitteny-goodness in my home.. The trio of southern kittens has turned around very nicely.

Apple is still hesitant and tentative in new situations.  She doesn't like anyone on her head but she is accepting of the kisses I give her there.

What kills me, what absolutely slays me dead and keeps me from doing anything of any real significance most nights is the fact that they are lap kittens.  I go in, they scream for food, I put food down.  They eat enough to slake their hunger (think supermodel meals) and then come right up to me, climb in my lap and start the motors running.. Three little kittens staring up at me purring happy purrs.. *sigh*

For a while there I thought Apple would NEED to go home with one of her siblings, because she seemed to do things only after one of them did it, but recently she has started being the first one up on my lap, and taking more 'chances'..

I would like to keep them for a few more weeks, but they are getting close to weight and over the worst of the trauma to their socialization that I think they might be moving on next week.. :(


  1. That's such a quick stop. :(
    But I'm glad Apple, especially, is doing better, socially. It's so important to get them on the right footing and I've seen first hand how a cat that didn't have proper socialization as a kitten ended up like.
    I don't know how you can keep doing this (fostering and letting go). I have so much trouble letting them go, so fostering isn't something I can keep doing.

  2. You do such wonderful work! :)

  3. keep up the good work. it is funny how quickly some of those "wild child" kitten can come around. :)

  4. Three lap kittens? How lucky are you!

  5. Lap kittens, awwwwwww. They sure have grown.
