
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pumpkin tail

I have come to the realization that Pumpkin has got a tail that is about an inch or more longer then it "should be".  I noticed it the other day when it wrapped around his body and tickled his belly button.. I tried to get a measure of how long it was..
my pinky is on his bum... to me at least it has three additional rings on the end.  I feel that most kitten tails would end about where it starts to curve at the end..


  1. And a lovely long tail it is! :)

  2. That IS quite a long tail. Maybe he'll grow into it!

  3. My human always says I never quite grew into my ears or long tail, but Pumpkin's tail is REALLY exceptional!

  4. Sometimes that happens. Ozzie always had a tail a couple inches longer than it looked like it should have been.

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