
Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to get a human to love you

Hi Folks, Dorian here.  I've got a sure fire way to get a human to love you
First, find a human.  Then let them pick you up and snuggle you close.
Then slowly look up at them and make eye contact.
I know that will feel weird as kitties generally don't make eye contact except for challenges but they love it.
Then lay your head on them.  They absolutely LOVE this
Lastly close your eyes to show trust.
They are just sooooo easy..
(and yes, DH started talking about adopting Dorian shortly after these photos were taken.. )
(and no, there is no way we are keeping him)


  1. If you can let him go, you have strong willpower than I do. LOL. Those pictures...I'm almost on the floor in a puddle of goo, they're so sweet.

  2. You got it right, Dorian! Now, time to work on the Lady. :)

  3. yep - that of the new boys fell asleep on mom and she got a serious case of the "awwwwws"

  4. Are you SURE about the not-keeping part? ;-)

  5. It is not about not wanting, it is about real estate. DH is either covered with Kit or Twee when he is standing still (and often when he isn't, they both tend to ride on his shoulders a la the kit tie photo on father's day) and I'm usually covered in Muffin and on that rare chance she's not there, then there is a line of Jack, Fleurp and Skippy.. :)

    No wonder Eli has only sat on me once in 10 years..

  6. Oh my goodness, what an *adorable* series of photos!!! What a doll.

  7. so sweet but you're right the kittens need a forever home so it make the heart rench worth while

  8. Yep,here I am typing one-handed because my current foster, Andy, just crawled up into my arms,looked up at me, purred like crazy, and -- with a small peep and a big sigh -- napped out.

  9. First pick your human! That's about it!

  10. This is ultra sweet. I feel my heart melting. Such a sweet kitty.

  11. Hey those are MY moves!


  12. Anonymous5:56 AM

    That's a good start you have made!!
