
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We're not in Maine any more

ha ha ha, like my silly play on the Wizard of Oz??  Oh yes, I'm just full of fun, being 11pm (my time, not Kansas time) and I've been traveling since 7AM and then being among an impressive group of pet people.  I feel so like the neighbour hood kid from the next street over that just stumbled upon a block party.  Oh well, I'm in an incredibly nice hotel room (I have a suite!) and I had a nice dinner. 

Today will be filled with talks and tours that will end at 5ish.  then there is a nice dinner out.  Another night here, then a tour of the factory and home Thursday night LATE.  I can't tell you what a smart idea it was to take Friday off..

Unfortunately I did not do a test drive of any of my electronic equipment so I am sans facebook for the blog *sob*  I'm hoping my husband can help me with that but I'm not quite sure if that is going to happen or not. and my email is as slow as molasses going up hill in the winter.  (bonus points for anyone knows what that reference is all about)

Hope you all are well and nothing major happens while I'm out of touch. 

Until the Internet fairies are on my side again.. I will be back!
(that is a promise, not a threat :P)


  1. Sounds like you are having a good time ~ except for the internet absence of course!!
    Travel safe!
    xo Catherine

  2. I'm glad you made it there safely. I tried to send you a photo last night and it came back again. :-( I may try sending you a message from another email as a test.

  3. good luck with slow conection speed and have fun

  4. Have a great time and we know how hard it is to be without access to the fast internet.

    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  5. Can’t imagine where the molasses quote comes from? Could be Huck Finn I suppose? lol I hate when internet is not available. I’m not an addict really! ;)

  6. Well, if you really need a fix, most library branches offer computers with high speed internet connections.

    Enjoy your block party.

  7. Have fun and we hope to hear from you soon!

    Thank you for your kind words of condolence on the loss of my mother. It was a little more bearable knowing so many kind people. Thanks for being there.

    Paula & The Twinkletoe Tails Gang

  8. FaRADaY: CONNIE! Mommy gotted to MEET you tonight, she sez! (and she abandoned ME in the process. ME! Can you believe it?!?)

    Maxwell: Uh-huh...and she said she loved seeing pics of Flurp and Jack and all the rest (pardon my spelling, we blue points are more known for our engineering skills not our grammar)

    Allie: Oh...and...whatever Mother said about me and men...well, you can't believe everything she says. Truly. *bats eyes*

  9. Yes, we understand it's difficult without internet connection.

    Thank you for visiting us and sending comforting words.
    We love you. Purrs!
