
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Post surgery

I picked the kittens up last night at 6pm.  They were done towards the end of the day so I was told that Niki would probably be a little loopy.

When I got them home and opened the doors they all came out except Niki (little miss into everything just sat there, it was a little odd)   All of the kittens (even Theo but to a much lesser extent) were quite reserved and almost guarding their bellies.  I need to take a look at their incisions because I need to know if they are healing or not, and no one wanted me looking.  I felt bad for intruding and because I was a little concerned that it might be painful.

This is a new experience for me.  Usually when I bring kittens home after being neutered (and I've done it for probably 100+ of them) they are either drunk on the sedation or they act like absolutely nothing happened.  I know every cat is different and there is a good chance that it wasn't pain but something else like maybe self consciousness or their version of being loopy, but I am concerned.  I left them alone with a half meal and some water so as to not rile them up... because when I get nervous about kitties my energy rubs off on them and they almost expect something to be wrong.

I checked on them before I went to bed.  They had a definite preference for my husband and I felt shunned.. Yes, I know, I'm projecting.  They were still very subdued.  They ate some of their food so I gave them a little more.  Tiki has it the worst of it, being very quiet, almost to the point of isolating.  I gingerly picked her up and put her on my chest and she just sat there for a while then cautiously hunkered down and put her head on my arm which caused her to sit at a really weird angle.  Even my husband who tends to be the last one to pick up on signs of illness said they looked very uncomfortable.

Since there was really nothing that could be done at that hour aside from taking them to the eclinic (which this didn't quite warrant a trip) we cautiously picked cats off of us and went to bed.

In the morning four out of five were better but still no where near as active as they have been.  At least they happily jumped on me and purred for attention.  Tiki however stayed inside the carrier.  I finally got myself out from under kittens and picked her up to examine her.  She didn't feel overly warm, her incision looked nice and a healthy pink.  She didn't want breakfast. She didn't want me to pat her, she just sat there then laid down looking quite pathetic.  I turned the heater on and put a pillow in front of it and a couple of kittens have taken advantage of that.

I've got an email into the shelter to see what they want to do.


  1. Aww, poor little Tiki. The boys are sending purrs to them all, but especially to her, crossing their paws there's nothing amiss and that she's just a bit slower than the others to recover.

  2. Aww, poor little babes. I hope that by the time you get home from work, she's doing much better.

  3. poor is hard when they can't tell us what is going on

  4. Poor little thing! It's no fun when kitties are under the weather. Hoping Tiki feels better soon....

  5. Poor Tiki. It's awful when we're not able to help them feel better immediately. We're purring for the babies, especially Tiki to feel better soon.

  6. She's probably just feeling a liitle bit abused but can't really figure it out just give her a little more loving and she'll come round,not all cats are the same and the odd one will be more sensitive about the whole thing.I ve had the same with all three of the buns I've had and Thumper my previous bun was more miffed about it than the other 2
