
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Another day

I gave the shelter a call yesterday, and so far no movement in anything so Evelyn and Miss Lady Frida Floofface are still here with me.

Because they are going to end up in a cage at the shelter I decided to let them out of the cage here and let them run around some.  They didn't seem to be suffering sitting in the cage - aka the cage wasn't destroyed nor was the food bowls tipped over, etc - but I thought exercise does the body and mind good, so out they came.

These two seem pretty accepting of what ever their situation is (well except for the being picked up thing - but once you get your hands on them they don't fight you) and they weren't overly enthusiastic about being out, but once I got the toy out I did get them running around and pouncing.

recycled photo
I ran home at lunch time yesterday and they had both decided to sit in the cage for some reason.  I walked in the room very slowly and they just sat there.  With care I was able to walk up to them and touch both of them and give Evelyn some good scratches behind her ears it was pretty special.

But at dinner they were sitting in the windows and ran when I came in.  Eventually I got them to interact with me and with some time LFF walked over my back. :)

Best $1.00 ever spent


  1. You have a cat wreath? Now that is cool. And yes, that chair was a bargain!

  2. Oh my, I love the kitties in your Christmas wreath. Especially the big one hiding behind the small branch with his bottom sticking entirely out of the wreath.

  3. I am so in love with that bear chair/bed. Hopefully time will continue to help the girls....

  4. I really hope the girls learn not to run from you / humans when you turn up in their room. Love that teddy bear bed and kitty wreath. :)

  5. it will get better in time!love the wreath and chair

  6. Those two are such cuties!

  7. Sure hoping they'll learn to trust soon, but I'm certain they appreciate the safe and loving place you are providing, even if they aren't saying so.

    Best of luck!

  8. Aren't they so cute! I'm glad they are starting to warm up to you!
    xo Catherine

  9. Its nice to hear they are starting to warm up to you and your house. They just need some time and understanding, and you.
