
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Macro Kitties

I am loving the second of my new lens because I'm able to take photos of the kitties where they live - all up in my face!  These boys are so demanding and so attention seeking that it is almost overwhelming.

While there has been some improvements at this point, there has also been a disturbing amount of sneezing going on.  I am hoping that it is just a passing thing and it isn't URI starting to break.  As you can see Radar has "Horner's Syndrome" going on.  It should abate with some time, mean while I'm keeping his eyes moisturized and treated with a triple antibiotic ointment.  They do not eat nearly as much as I would like them to, but they are eating.  and they are able to find every single dust particle in that room and cover themselves with it daily :)

Trapper (the larger of the two black kitties) also has a black pigment spot on his right eye.  You can see it in that first photo but only if you know to look for it.  It is in the very outer corner of his eye, and being black it looks very much like part of his eyelid.  I doubt it is anything to worry about, but I will be mentioning it to the shelter when they go back for adoption.


  1. with your tender loving care they will do just fine!

  2. Wow, it is amazing how much better your photos look. I am sure they are going to flourish once these ailments go away.

  3. You're making me want a new camera! LOL.
    Hopefully the kitties will be fine with lots of TLC. :)

  4. love that third picture..... the zoom is very cool

  5. Trapper looks a lot like a young version of my sister's cat! Beautiful shots!

  6. Love the lens, worry about kittens' eyes and sneezes - part of the worry is my own 2 kittens with diarrhea (!!) sometimes it can be tricky to get them healthy!

  7. ohhhh we hope Trapper's okay. Can kitties get melanoma?

    1. can they? yes, but it is generally in fair colored kitties. Since he is so young, I have a strong feeling that it is just something he was born with - a beauty spot if you will. If it was something that showed up after not having it I would be more concerned. There is still a chance that it might be something troublesome, but again being so young the chances of that are slim

  8. Anonymous11:02 AM

    They look absolutely precious!
