
Friday, April 12, 2013

Fleurp's Great Adventure

So earlier this week I took Fleurp to the vet.  Sadly we have signs that she is anemic yet again..

This time I decided to skip the standard steroid antibiotic treatment and went to a holistic vet.  I have been to this vet in the past for Ollie (which didn't help - but I wasn't shocked on this as Ollie wasn't big on accepting help) and for Eli (which did help a great deal) and with Em for her diabetes (this one the results weren't very clear and I can't say for sure one way or the other)

I am keeping a very close eye on my Fleurp.. if I get too concerned I know that steroids will help..  but I would really rather that we fix this instead of having to deal with it each spring.

The vet has a very tight schedule to begin with and there are some other issues that made scheduling interesting, so when she offered me an appointment at 11 am on very short notice I jumped at it.  This of course meant that Fleurp would come to work with me for an hour before I headed to the appointment.

Fleurp wasn't all that interested in being social at work.  She's never been to this office as we moved in the past year, but she visited several times as a kitten at a different location, and I keep her picture on my desk, so the girls all know her well.  Despite being fawned over her preference was to sit in the carrier and just bide her time, so I let her.

She rides pretty well, in fact she didn't make a peep.  When I got there the previous appointment was just leaving so we had no waiting which was nice.  I brought her into the room and Dr. G and I sat around talking for a while.. I went over Fleup's history, her personality, where she likes to sleep, what is unique about her, what she likes to eat, as well as a bunch of other things you wouldn't think has anything to do with anemia..

While we were talking, Fleurp decided she wanted to get out of the carrier and investigate - which made me smile.  It is in her personality to explore and make her space her own, but it is something she hasn't done a lot of lately outside of the house.. probably because every other time she's left the house for the past three years she has had blood drawn.  I brought treats and she ate and explored and attempted to get into trouble :)

We were sent home with a few homeopathic remedies.. yup, those kinds of remedies.. the ones you mix a small amount in with water, then you mix a few drops of that water with more water.. I do not understand these in the least.. the science orientated part of my brain says this is insane.. but I know people who fully believe in these and have seen results, and I trust Dr. G because I've seen her do a lot of good for other pets.

So we will give this a go.  As I said I will be keeping a very close eye on her.  I tell her that it will work and she will feel better, and I choose to believe this will work and she will be better.

And if I am wrong, there is always another round of steroids..


  1. This should be interesting! Keep us posted on whether it works. In the meantime, I am sending purrs Fleurp's way.

  2. I hope it works. With Loki it was constant steroid shots for his allergies and I always wondered how they would affect him in the long term. Sending positive thoughts Fleurp's way.

  3. I would rather try a homeopathic approach first, for a chronic condition (mine or my cats'), than pharmaceuticals. So I'll be interested in reading an update. And of course, as you stated, if this doesn't work, you can fall back on the steroids. Good luck! Purrs from the boys to Fleurp.

  4. I sure hope you can get things regulated without steroids. You are so lucky that you could bring her in to work like that. :-)

  5. Norm's on occasional steroids for the pancreas. I keep hoping they're going to pump (*clap*) him up, but alas no Hans or Franz moment came my way.

    Hoping Fleurp finds her answer in something a bit easier on her system.

  6. paws crossed. we say it never hurts to try out your options!!

  7. hope it helps her snuggles and hugs from both of us,xx Speedy and Rachel

  8. I've started Kona on Liqui-tinic which is an iron supplement for pets...would that help? It's $11 for a months' supply on Amazon.

    Purrs for Miss Fleurp!

    1. I've actually been dosing her with it through out the year in attempt to keep this at bay.. :) I mix it with baby food and she LOVES it, BEGS for it.. :)

  9. We totally hear you on the science part of your brain thinking "this doesn't' compute" - but it can't hurt...!

  10. We hope the remedy works for Fleurp!


  11. Have you ever tried Rejuv-A-Wafers by Sun Chlorella? (Chlorella is generic, similar to spirulina - Sun is the brand - go to
    I got some Sun Chlorella for myself which helped me in several ways, then ordered their pet version (the wafers). I think it's giving my cats more energy and clearing out toxins, which it is meant to do. You might want to ask your vet. But I bet it can't hurt. Google about it.
    Best healing wishes to Fleurp (what a name!) from Jeepers Creepers and Bebe.

  12. Lucy and I are purring hard for fleurp

  13. This is interesting. I would really like to know how this is working (or not). I use homeopathy for myself but not for everything. I have always wondered if there wasn't a part of placebo effect in the successful results I got. So it should be interesting to see how it is working for Fleurp.
    I sure hope Fleurp gets better soon in any case!
    (Texas' human)

  14. I am glad you were able to get herto Dr.G... She gave me time with Sunshine that the regular vets could not... Fingers crossed! (And don't you want to live on her farm??!!). Give Fleurp a pet for me!

  15. Awwww....such a sweetie! Banjo and I are keeping our fingers and paws crossed that Fleurp gets better soon!
    xo Catherine

  16. Mom says that she's glad you're going to try the homeopathic remedy. Though steroids can do pets and humans a lot of good, they also can so many adverse long-term consequences. Keep us posted about Fleurp. She is such an exceptional kitty. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
