
Monday, April 22, 2013

Not Monday Again!!

*sigh* Monday is here again, and we are left all alone all day.. 
I do not like this one bit.. 
Me neither.. I haz sad.. 
Friday better get here really quick!
(little do they know that come this weekend we have to start having 'that discussion' about the facts of life.. they are doing so well and are growing up so nicely that they are probably ready to go back now, but I'm being a little selfish)


  1. Oh if I lived closer I would totally skip out of work and come and play with you all day!! :)
    xo Catherine

  2. They are a gorgeous bunch all right!

  3. Our kittens hate them Mondays hasn't given them free reign yet, so they are back behind baby jail (unless they can once again convince Tim to help them break out). And we got a couple here that will be getting that talk this week too. :)

  4. The one in the second photo needs squeezing and needs squeezing badly.

  5. Look on the bright side, kittehs. With the beans all gone, you have a whole day to explore and look for trouble and climb around and look for trouble and play chase and look for trouble and just generally look for trouble. Enjoy!

  6. So cute*sigh*I could play all day too!

  7. I'll take the day off to come play! :-)

  8. Awww you lovely fur babies brighten up my blue Monday!!

  9. *sticks paw in ear and wiggles it* seeeeeriously mommy. The squeeing should be toned down by at least 6 decibels. Just meowing....

  10. Wow, Mom says she doesn't think she could give up those adorable little fur balls. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
