
Saturday, May 11, 2013

I am so going to miss her

In a short while Odilia will be packing her bags and going to 'sleep away camp' for a little over a week - that is if I am lucky and she doesn't bond so hard with one of the kittens there that I won't think it is right to take her back..

I am going to miss her. (shocking I know.. )

She makes great strides each day in learning how to adjust to her world.

Tonight we realized she could:
realize when someone is eating something

and be friggen adorable 'begging' for it..
OK fine, she's not really begging for it, she's just being adorable

track a belled ball across the room

and finally drinking water on her own.

She also has a pretty bad overbite.  I had been trying to capture it in a picture, and finally we got one.  I know it doesn't look like much in this photo, but remember that the top canines are supposed to be slightly in front of the bottom ones..

She will NOT let me clean her off with wet cloths.. which is interesting, because when I gave her a quick bath after she first showed up she didn't mind at all.  I am going to have to give her another one before she goes so I don't feel like a bad foster parent sending her kitten off to sleep away camp with stains ;)


  1. My human really wishes there was some way you could have brought her with you to BlogPaws!

    1. I keep thinking I will.. especially as the time comes closer to handing her off..

  2. We think she'll have a great time at "camp." Well, we hope she does. Can't imagine why you'd miss her.... :-)

  3. I think we will miss seeing Odilia updates! :( I hope she enjoys herself :)

  4. We too will miss Odilia! Have fun at camp, little one. Hope you make some great friends.

  5. We hope she does find a pal...and get adopted as a pair!

  6. we will miss her too!have fun little one,xx

  7. We hope she has a good time at camp and finds good fureinds there. We'll miss the updates too!

    Sasha, Sami, Saku & Mom Eileen

  8. she is so cute and little. She reminds me a little of Lucy... I forgot how little she was and didnt realize how big she got!

  9. We hope she has a good time at camp.

  10. She is really adorable. I wish her good time at the camp.

  11. Have a good time, baby girl! (And you too. . .)
