
Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Big Move

I moved Odilia down into the kitten room last night.  I spent way too much time cleaning and picking things up.  Normally I only reserve that amount of scrubbing when I return a bunch of kittens that were ill.. Not sure why I felt the need to pull up anything I could off the floor.. including the bear and the scratching post.  Both of these things would be good for her to explore and investigate.. I am sure I'll return those to the floor sooner rather than later.. but last night was simply clean and introduce.

I brought down the bedding from her previous 'condo' to help her feel comfortable, and added a new blankets for new textures and scents.  She spent a little time investigating that, and then this..

She plowed right out of that cage like she has been doing it forever.  She looked in the bowl and then told me what for that there was nothing in it.

She walked back and forth between me and the cage not really exploring the rest of the room.  My husband showed up after a while and he freaked her right out.  I tried to explain to her that she needs to get used to more people and after a few minutes of talking to her she figured he was OK to investigate.

After a few more minutes she started to 'freak out'  Everything I did resulted in her 'lunging' at me and acting very upset, so I'm guessing she has a mild case of stimulation aggression   I couldn't even scruff her as doing so simply sent her into a frenzy.  It was upsetting to me simply because I was unable to give her comfort, so I did the best thing I could for her, I put her back in the cage with the things she is familiar with to calm down.  Just one more piece of the puzzle in how to help her and keep her happy..   Just go slow, and not too many new things at one time.. Totally do-able..


  1. Awww, Odilia. You'll soon feel comfortable in your new space, we think. How scary it would be, though, to be so tiny and have to rely on other senses besides sight, to help sort out the world.

    Big smooches from our human!

  2. Oh the poor girl. I hope she adjusts quickly and works out her issues.

  3. oh cute stuff - it is hard to adjust when all you have is your nose and ears :)

  4. she just needs time it must be a bit overwelming for her and a bit scary,xx

  5. Poor baby. Hopefully she'll gain more confidence with more time to adjust to new things.

  6. It seems to be a learning curve for both of you!!

  7. Thank goodness she is with you, because you're willing to be patient and help her get accustomed to change. Hope she gets comfortable with the new digs very soon.
