
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Progress made

I'm guessing she liked the offering of hamburger I made on Tuesday :)   She wasn't hidden behind the couch when I walked in and when I sat down she let me pat her.  Even heard her purr.  She held my hand, let me pat her head, I even got to rub her belly for a bit. We still have some work to do, but this is a wonderful first step.

What could be better than her purring??  I heard kitten purr!!  I thought I heard one on Tuesday, but it sounded a bit like a marble in a box that moved slightly.. by the time I recognized it it was gone so I wasn't sure I heard it.

But this time I was sure.. it was really really cute..

Mom, you are spending WAY too much time in that room again..  ~Muffin


  1. Kitten purring - how awesome!

  2. Oh, kitten purrs! And Muffin's face is funny. Do you get catitude from them about time-sharing with the fosters?

  3. My word. We need a video of all that purring!

  4. I've actually teared up at the sight of this Mommy and trusting beginning already; as well as shot of one of her babies. Bless your heart for taking them in.

  5. Poor Muffin. ;)

    Knew she would come around. And oh my that tiny face!!

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Aww, Mom cat looks so sweet in that first pic.

  7. Mom cat is very pretty, so nice she is starting to come around and trust you.

  8. Purring and smiling :-) That sure is a great progress!

  9. My my that Mom cat is really getting friendly and that kitten! Kyootee!

  10. Glad mom is coming along! The kittens are too cute! My sister and I were discussing how adorable they were today!

  11. Aw, Miss really have a way with cats. :)

  12. Mom Kitty is a lovely girl! I must admit I have a real soft spot for tabbies.
    The wee one is adorable.

    Poor Muffin, I bet they feel neglected. Though I understand...I'd be in the room with the kittens too!

  13. That is just fantastic! So glad! She is so beautiful.

  14. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Now that's sweet!
