
Thursday, September 12, 2013

The post about the kittens getting a bath

Well it had gotten to the point that the kittens were an absolute mess and since my husband is not adept at helping me bathe kittens I decided to bring them all into the shelter and have them do it. I made a great big card with my name and phone number and what they needed (since the last time I brought kittens in to the shelter they sat in the cage all day and no one did anything with them) and K chuckled at me because I had lamented to her when I picked the kittens up the last time... and she totally understood.

I got a call about an hour later saying they were ready.  I asked if they had any more clavamox for them since that is what they prescribed to them and I had been with out a viable bottle for a couple of days (I accidentally left it out in the warm room all night) I had gone in one day and asked for a new bottle and was told there was none but they would get some in the AM.  I went back the next day and no clavamox. When i went in that morning no clavamox.  K said that she was told a different antibiotic would work and I said OK and that I'd be in. I went in at lunch time and picked them up.  Low and behold there was now clavamox for them.  Apparently K had brought Issac Arnold to see the vet at the in house clinic and they were given a bottle for him. It was also suggested I continue the albon. (I had actually gotten an email telling me to stop all meds but the clavamox from the shelter manager and also to get them to eat W/D - which I simply could not do.  Dry is VERY dehydrating and not something to be feeding a kitty that is already dehydrated from diarrhea, not to mention the one time I fed W/D back when Em was diagnosed with diabetes it gave her horrific blow out diarrhea) (W/D is a high fiber diet and very very high in plant matter an inappropriate diet for an obligate carnivore)

Sadly Issac Arnold's diarrhea has been getting worse. Hopefully with the new bottle of clav it starts to get better..   The bath made most of the other kittens start to look normal.  Mishka still looks like she could use another bath, but I think that should wait a bit.  Snow didn't get a full bath because she got rather hissy at the shelter again. Oh well.

Bonus fact.. Issac Arnold last weighed in at 6 oz.. weighed in today at 7.5 (but that was after I force fed him, so I bet he is really 7)  His sister, 1 lb 1 oz.. so he is still half their size..

Another bonus?  yup

And then there is this..

Which is why in the next few posts at a minimum you are going to see a less than perfectly clean room.  I try, I fail all too often.


  1. Poor Issac Arnold's diarrhea clears up once and for all with the new bottle Clavomox. It does look pretty bad especially since it's been going on for so long.

  2. snuggles for all to get better!xx Rachel and Speedy

  3. Wow I stand in awe of your dedication. This stuff is not for the faint of hearts but you soldier on - these kittens are so lucky to have you in their corner.

    Good luck that their little tummies start to settle down and they start to feel better really, really soon.

  4. *you* are amazing! What you do for the love of these kitties. We sure do hope that the clav helps clear Issac up once and for all, for his sake, and especially for yours!


  5. I so feel your pain - I went through this whole thing with the space kittens. Glad the tiny boy is at least gaining some weight. Hang in there!

  6. II hope the baths and the meds are the purrfect solution!

  7. I am sending lots of purrs to Issac Arnold and his messy rear end! I do hope the Clavamox does the trick for the little guy.

  8. Purrs for all the kitties and especially for little Issac, poor baby!

    We all hopes (Mom too!) that things clear up soon so you donts have to do so much cleaning.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. Like Angel Abby said. The kitties are very lucky to have you. Hopefully Issac Arnold will get better. I keep sending purrs!

  10. Don't worry about the room, just keep that little butt clean.

  11. I worry that all the antibiotic has taken the normal flora out of Issacs little GI Trac. At least he is gaining which is good!
    Love you little babies
    Thanks for all you do for these needy little ones

  12. Aw, poor Isaac Arnold...we hope his poops stablize...not only for him but for you too!

  13. You certainly have your hands full so to speak. There is a special pace in heaven for you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
