
Friday, October 25, 2013

Former Foster Friday - Odilia Halloween Edition

What, you thought I only took enough pictures for one post.. ha ha ha.. you are funny..

While I was with Amy, she wanted to get a picture of Odilia in a pumpkin. Two of my favorite things, how could I resist? She gave me some really lovely shot which was nice but a good part of the time she was facing the wrong way. We would turn the pumpkin and she would simply turn herself around. It was quite funny. Amy wanted to see if we could get a witch hat on her, which was a no go.

We stopped at CVS after the show (pictures tomorrow) and while there we saw the devil costume. Since Amy keeps calling Odilia "The Beast" I thought it was perfect. It was attached with two large pieces of velcro, one around the neck/chest the other around the belly, and so I figured it was going to be easy enough to get on and off with out freaking her out. We got it on her and she got very confused as to why we were laughing so hard. She knew something was different and she wasn't quite herself while it was on, but it was no more stressful to her than the first ten times I got the harness on her (time 11 she hated the harness and told me in no uncertain terms she was done wearing it). We left the costume on her just long enough to catch our breath and get a few good photos.. which again was hard since she wasn't all that into looking at the camera..

considering running away from those silly women


  1. Good for you Odilia! I am surprised the humans weren't shredded!! MOL

  2. Odilia was being a good sport, all things considered. It's always great to see photos of her!

  3. Silly mommys is what she is thinking! Love the pumpkin pictures!

  4. good job Odilia - make them work for the funny pictures :)

  5. She was such a good sport about it all. :-)

  6. We are so glad her new Mom kept Odilla as her name because it is so perfect for her. We loved the photos and will always look forward to more anytime. She is adorable in the cute halloween costumes.

  7. Oh those pictures are just too perfect!!! I just can't get enough pictures of that little angel :)

  8. Odilia is such a cutie and looks great,xx Rachel

  9. what a sweet little kitty. i want to cuddle her.

    emma and buster

  10. What a cutie girl. Odilia looks so adorable in the costume. :)

  11. Laughed my pants off at the overhead devil photos!!! What a good little sport.

  12. MOL - now my human is going to be looking through our local CVS to see if the devil costume is there... in Binga's size! You didn't thing she was going to try to put it on me, did you?

  13. Way to go, Odilia. Make them beans earn their photos.

    Looks like Odilia found herself a nice furrever home.

  14. Oh how cute! I love the photos of Odilia in pumpkin very much! And she looks very pretty in the costume :-)

  15. Just when we thought she couldn't get any cuter!

  16. Cutest. Devil. Ever.
    It's so fun to see sweet Odilia grow up!

  17. Odilia, you were very nice to let yourself be dressed up. :) So cute!!

  18. those photos are just too incredibly sweet!

  19. We were so excited to see another Odelia post. When do we kitties ever cooperate when you want to take photos? We can't imagine Odelia being called "The Beast." We were thinking a devil costume was definitely going against type. We do hope there are more photos to come. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. It is so wonderful to see Odilia doing so well. She's obviously loved by everyone, even the puppy!

  21. She may not have loved the costume but I think she likes the attention.
    She looks great

  22. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Ok that was very cute!!
