
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Girls and Boys and looking for homes

So, we have come to the point in this set of fosters that I was not looking forward to. The girls were doing so well and hit size a while back so it really was time to get them to the shelter to find their forever homes. I brought them in yesterday. The staff ooohed and aaahed over them, how good they looked, how pretty they were.. and there was a bit of discussion about just how BIG they were. Both were around three and a half pounds (they should be brought back at two pounds). Oddly enough Mishka who I have always considered the smallest of the bunched weighed more than Verona who I always considered larger. Ah well.. I guess her bones were heavier. So now they are now at the shelter waiting for their forever home/s.

I bought some cat toys from Frieda at the cat show this past weekend.  The cat show was a bit of a disappointment in that there were only a few retailers of merchandise. One being outdoor cat enclosures, another being hand made cat trees and the third being Frieda.  I got a few photos, I might turn it into a blog post if anyone is interested.

As you can see, the toys were a huge hit!!

So now we are on a quest to get the boys on conventional food.  I have a few things to try.  They had one meal of canned food last night and this morning their stool was large and soft, so it is not looking good.  I fear very much these two will have to be raw fed.  I know I should not fear this, as I believe anyone who is willing to take on kitty with a special needs diet to be a class of super adopters that I hope every kitten gets adopted into, but it is about me.. I do not want to be the "crazy raw feeding" foster home that seemingly has a never ending supply of kittens that can't eat anything but raw food..

But in the end, I will do what is right for these two (and no, it is NOT adopting them myself even though I REALLY REALLY want to in a 'lets not take reality into play here' sort of way.  Smed is needy.. he demands a lot of attention and that would not go over very well with my own needy kitties.  They already think I don't give them nearly enough time.

So if you are willing to feed raw food, and you might like a kitty that will buff your face with his cheek and ask that you kiss him until your lips fall off, I so have the kitten for you.. If you want one stocky boy with a round ping pong ball shaped head who likes attention and loves licking toes, I so have the kitten for you.. and if you want them both I will love you forever..


  1. yep....that is the hard part. we hope someone appears!!

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    It seems like you are a great foster mom to these kitties! I'm glad that there are people like you willing to go the extra mile to do what is best for the kitties. I have nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. Stop by my blog and pick it up any time

  3. Paws crossed this crew gets adopted quickly!

  4. Oh boys, your home is out there.

  5. We wish you and them luck! How we wish we could take in another kitty or two, but we are maxed out for the time being. We hope peeps recognize them as the sweet kitties they are.

  6. i can just imagine how hard it is to part with something so beautiful (like a line from pretty woman isn't it?)

    emma and buster

  7. I only won £2.50 on the lotto this weekend but it's a start...
