
Monday, November 18, 2013

The boys are doing beautifully

Just when I thought there was no hope of getting them on commercial foods, a ray of light appeared in the form of a nice looking tootsie in the box.  Then another and another..

Yup, we are awesome and we know it!
I am going to introduce them to shredded food next, then dry food.. and if all goes well I'll be returning them to the shelter for adoption since no one has stepped up saying they want these two boys.  I very much hope they will adopt them out together.  I can not bear the thought of them being separated.


  1. yep - the hard part....taking them back

  2. Paws crossed that somebody takes them both together! It's always best for kittens to go in pairs as it is. And these two are best pals.

  3. It is so hard to let them go and lose that control. But you have given them a very good start and they will find good forever homes!

  4. Aw, they look so happy!!!

  5. they looks so adorable. we do hope they get to be together in their forever home.

    Emma and Buster

  6. They are adorable. We purr that they find a home together.

  7. They're very handsome! I have no doubt they will be adopted and, hopefully, together. I know here Ray & Rachel are SO bonded that there was no possible question of separating them ....


  8. Awesome photo of awesome kittencats :) - it would be nice if you could make it so the shelter has to adopt them out together. I get so sad when I see best buddy siblings get split up.

  9. Mwah! No, please keep them a little longer or at least plead with and make the shelter promise they will keep them together. Let them know how bonded they are and especially how the little guy needs his bro for comfort and emotional growth. Paws crossed- doesn't someone know anyone who would take these boys?! Transport can be arranged by many volunteer groups they have on Facebook!

  10. Maxwell: Doodz, ya keep doing the CUTE thing and you'll get forever homes in NO time!
