
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Where's Charlotte??

no really, she's visible in this photo.. 

Charlotte has been making some progress.  The other day I actually walked in the room and saw her.. When she first got her freedom she wouldn't be seen when I walked in the room, then she would wait and see if someone opened that door.. and if they did she would run.  Then she has been looking and trying to figure out who is walking through that door, almost as if trying to fight that 'MUST RUN!" fear to see who it is.

This morning I nearly got in the room before she ran, which was huge.. I enticed her to play, but she only felt comfortable doing that from the protection of under the couch, or between the couch and the cage, or from with in that basket.  Why the basket provides her 'protection' I don't know, but I don't care, it means she is out.. I kept trying to entice her into the room, but each time she'd pounce on the toy outside of where she felt protected she would immediately run back under cover. She would back a moment later, which is good as it means she has good recovery of her decision making skills..

I finally picked her up for our cuddle.. if I haven't made this abundantly clear, this kitten LOVES TO CUDDLE!!  oh she is sweet. It isn't an active cuddle like Smedley was but more of a Skippy type of cuddle.. I'm just going to sit her and let you pat me and kiss me and occasionally I'll move and get more comfortable sort of thing.. It almost aches to put her down.  Last night I decided to stretch her a little and took her out of that room for a longer cuddle and a walk around the house.. Well that was a wee bit too much, she was quite distressed but we both got through it with out any blood shed, which is good, and all was forgiven when she got back in the room -which again is huge.. she went through trauma with me and realized the world didn't end, and nothing hurt her, and now she is safe again.. and hopefully when I take her to have her sutures removed tomorrow she'll deal well with that too.

And the best part about this morning.  I wanted to give her another meal of raw food and I forgot to bring it down with me. After the cuddle I left and when to get her some.  When I returned she was still out and about, but as soon as I opened the door I could tell she wanted to run, she really did.. but she waited to see what I would do.  Each move I made almost made her run, so I went slowly, oh so painfully slowly, and put the food in completely the wrong spot so as not to have to walk past her.. and she stayed out and visible the whole time..   *soft mini yay!*

fight or flight, a very strong force to contend with..

see.. I told you..
What an odd place to sleep little one.. 


  1. awwww - that flight instinct is a hard thing. I have stood very still for several moments as the shyest kitten works up the courage to move around me. Have to agree - all those great places to snooze and she picks the top of the carrier. :)

  2. I am wondering about the hiding during play and if that is a bad thing. My cat only likes to play if she can hide in or under something, usually her cat tube. She loves to run out and pounce on the feather or dot or whatever it is that we are playing with. If the tube is not available she will hide under an ottoman or even near a shoe or basket so is this a shyness thing or is it just that some cats like to incorporate this hiding into playing for some reason? This is the only cat I have ever had so i guess I thought it was normal. She never hides from us, quite the opposite, she needs to be where we are at all times...

    1. Not willing to be out in the open is a self confidence thing. Charlotte is afraid if she is out in the middle of the floor something will get her while she is distracted playing. I can almost hear her say "OH NO!" when she realizes she has stepped away from what ever she considers safe.. (again why the open basket is 'safe' to her I don't understand)

      A lot of cats like to hide in things when they play because they like to pounce on their prey and take them by surprise. If your kitty won't sit in the middle of an open floor, or when they come out of the tube they act fearful or shy you are dealing with a self confidence issue.. if they own the entire room and are just enjoying the pounce, then it is normal.

  3. We wondered about the fuzz in the first picture. Turns out to be her! Hah!
    Sounds like Charlotte is progressing very well. :)

  4. I love how cats decide where it's "good" to sleep. She must get the stitches out pretty soon, right?

    1. I could have done it yesterday but the shelter has shorter hours right now so I'm going tomorrow.

  5. You are so wonderful with your patience and intuition.
    Bless you and sweet Charlotte.

  6. I just love this girl, and I just love how you are caring for her! She is one lucky kitty. :)

  7. It sounds like she's making steps, even if they are baby steps.

  8. Step by step, thanks to your patience and your kindness, Charlotte comes closer and more confident. Mum and us love to read such stories. Purrs

  9. It sounds like Charlotte is coming along well!

  10. My cats do that. If I have one out, a cat will sleep on it. If I have three out, a cat will climb on each one and sleep. anything to avoid sleeping on the floor! Well except Edgar. He likes to sleep in front of my bedroom door or the bathroom door. Especially if it's dark in the hallway!

  11. We saw her! She sounds so much like MMM when we first got her . . . oh, wait, she sounds like her now too. MMM doesn't like playing in the middle of the room and for years would only play with something if she could reach it while her back end was under a piece of furniture. And reach down to pick her up? Oh, please! Whatever are you thinking, mom?

  12. Sweet girl! With all the trauma she has been through it is good to see she is getting more comfortable so quickly.
    But I don't get why cats will sleep in the most uncomfortable looking places (and positions!)

  13. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Oh that IS wonderful. I'm sure in time she'll be more relaxed. She's just taking it one small step at a time.

  14. She is such a sweet heart. It's great she seems to be feeling safer and more comfortable.
    But on top of carrier doesn't look comfy place to me, haha.

  15. Anonymous1:13 PM

    What a pretty little girl! Yippee for small steps! She's coming along! Purrs...

  16. We're glad to hear Charlotte is making progress. She sounds like our Zoey.

  17. Awwww I spotted the little darling - too cute for words.

  18. HURRAH!!! I wish I had known you when Scouty was a kitten, I would have done things differently.

  19. A little progress is still progress. I am so happy Charlotte is w0rking her way out of her fears. The rewards will be so wonderful for both of you!

  20. I love your patience and it is wonderful to see Charlotte building her confidence with you...

    Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  21. Faraday: *waves paws wildly* Charlotte NOOOOO not on the VET Vehicle!!!

  22. Yay! Sometimes one of the hardest thing for me about being a foster parent is letting them be brave on their own...but when they do, it's such joy!!! PS - love the cat tree with the hanging balls!
