
Monday, April 21, 2014

Abby, Chandler and the insulin

Just a quick post today.. Sorry no photos

I did two curves on Abby and Chandler this weekend.  The first one on Saturday was done on Fancy Feast Turkey and Giblets classic.  Once I knew how low they were going and where the 'nadir' was (the lowest point in the curve) I decided to put them on raw food.

I gave them a little nibble and they were very happy to eat it, so on Saturday night they only got raw food with one can of FF. In the AM their blood sugars were about what they have been, so I gave them only raw for breakfast and did another curve.

This one went well, they had a nice drop, but we hit two snafus..

The first is that the insulin only 'lasts' for five hours not six.  Being a 12 hour insulin, the numbers SHOULD drop for six hours and then slowly rise for the next six, just in time for the next dose. Unfortunately it only drops for five hours, then rises for seven.. which might be why I'm having a hard time getting their upper numbers to lower.  I've written to the shelter to let them know, I don't know if they'll get another vial of insulin or not..

The second was after the fifth hour today they were both very hungry.  We were out of raw chicken, so I gave them some raw beef.  The Crew are unenamored with the raw beef and often let it go uneaten.  Unfortunately when I went back down to tend to them a few hours later there was vomit in four different locations in the room.. apparently beef did not agree with them, and the stress of vomiting, or empty tummies, or *shrug* something caused them both to have BGs nearing 500!

Since putting them on a raw diet long term really isn't an option, and their readings really didn't improve, or go lower, while eating it, I've decided to put them back on the canned.

I'm also not sure how much longer I'm going to keep them.  I took them both because the shelter was going to be closed that weekend... then I decided to keep them through Easter when the shelter is closed..   I guess if the shelter agrees to get a new vial of insulin, then I'd probably keep them here for a few more days to see what that insulin does for them.. if not, then once they start giving me the numbers that I had been getting I'll make arrangements for them to go back.


  1. You are such a blessing to these kitties, Connie. I admire you so very much.

  2. we are so glad that they both have a better chance at a home thank to the hard work you put in with them!!

  3. We sure do wish themall the best and purrs that they remain healthy.

  4. Awww, sweet kitties they are lucky to have you caring for them. Thanks for stopping by our blog. We wish the kitties all the best and hope they get better and do well. Hugs and nose kisses

  5. You do so much for these kitties - they are so very lucky. Thank you for all of the work you do for your fosters. It's very admirable.

  6. Connie, you are so loving & patient! These kitties are very lucky you are working with them, and so that you are so knowledgable. Wishing them & you the best, the poor things!

  7. Wishing those kitties the very best--they are lucky to have you caring for them XOXOXO

  8. Those two are FURRY lucky to have you as their foster!

  9. looks like a tricky one with them,fingers and paws crossed for them
