
Friday, May 9, 2014

Oh the trouble cats can get into..

So I was on my computer last night when I hear my husband make cooing and soothing noises towards one of my cats. He was in the other room so I missed a lot of what he said, but I could tell that someone did something they shouldn't have and were most likely looking pretty pathetic for it. I then heard "Come on, lets go show Momma" and I heard him walking down the hall calling to Jack and telling him that I should see what he got up to..

Just what do you think I did?
I don't know what I was expecting to see when he rounded the corner, because I knew Jack would come see me, but I was not expecting this.  How he got himself into this situation I have no idea. It had to have taken some persistence and determination, because this was in a box that had nothing in it.. so it wasn't like he was digging for treats or something interesting..

Now these are air packing packs, so they tear apart pretty easily, and there was a lot of room between the packs so it wasn't like he was in any danger.. and yes these were immediately removed, deflated and recycled..

Cats.. They like to keep you guessing..


  1. Jack does not look terribly unhappy to be wearing those!

  2. Uh....We're at a loss here. LOL. Obviously Jack has hidden talents!

  3. Jack makes that packaging look GOOD! :) Mind you, I think Jack could make anything look good!

  4. and he looks very proud of himself as well....silly boy :)

  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Is that Jack's version of getting his head stuck in the banister railings? He had to see if his head fit...or maybe one of the other kitties dared him? He does look quite proud.....

  6. Silly boy... he does look very proud of himself!

  7. Hahahaha proud of his work isn't he?xx Rachel

  8. Oh Jack! Seriously, how did you do that?
    He does kind of look proud. Haha :-)

  9. he does look quite proud of himself!

  10. we're going to guess that no lesson was learned by cats from this experience :)

    emma and buster

  11. Haha - kitties can sure find mischief when they want too!
    xo Catherine

  12. Oh Jack! How in the world did you get yourself into that? :)

  13. They know how to keep us in stitches. Jack looks awfully cute and innocent.

  14. How is it that they always seem to get themselves into impossible situations! MOL! Too funny.

  15. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Cats just love to get into things.

  16. LOL!!! Jack looks like a very good "helper"!
