
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Toesday - one black kitten toe

I thought this image was also quite fitting for "Toesday" too..

Since toes are generally irresistible to kittens, it was nice to see Faraday attempting to sniff my toes.. even if they were uber scary.  I don't know what it is with these kittens. If I take my time and get my hands on them and get them past their "OHMYCARPIAMBEINGHELD" fear, I can get them purring, but as soon as I let them go they seem to forget how good it felt and how happy they were and they are back to being afraid of me. Maxwell seems to be the only one willing to give me the benefit of the doubt, but even then that benefit only goes so far as he still flinches when I reach out to pat him (I try to sneak a pat in when he isn't looking). I am thinking I am going to try to bring them to work at the end of the week to get them out of the house and let them explore somewhere else and come home which I've seen build a kitten's confidence by leaps and bounds. They are also due at the shelter at the end of the month too for a check in, which will be another trip out which will only be good for them. The more I can expose them to, the more they will realize I am not going to eat them.

It always amuses me when I imagine they think I'm going to eat them, as I end up feeling a bit like the witch in Hansel and Gretel.


  1. They sound so much like Boodie! To this day she still bolts from the humans sometimes - but if they catch her before she dashes off, she enjoys getting petted and purrs loudly. My human can even hold her upside down, although she does not do it often. She was 9 months when my human brought her home to socialize her, so she was a much tougher nut to crack... but at least she knows the humans are family, even though she's shy and does revert back to instinct sometimes.

  2. Black toe!! So adorable!

  3. They sound like Ashton. She gives the head peep the benefit of the doubt, most of the time, but she is utterly convinced that the manpeep is going to eat her. You are probably right... taking the kittens out of their environment and then bring them back to the familiar will help their confidence.

  4. which reminds mom that she needs to get a picture of Pearl's toes... :)

    come on kids - your foster mom really IS a nice lady

  5. Silly little's hoping your persistence is purrsuasive!

  6. What a cute little black toesie.

  7. Faraday thinks your toes are very pretty. The furbabies are so cute that I just want to eat them up.

  8. Such adorable little kittens and we are hoping they learn very soon you are not going to eat them and that start loving all those pats and cuddles and come to you asking for them. Cute, cute little toesies! Hugs and nose kisses

  9. These kittens are too cute. I love seeing them play, they are just like bouncy fluff balls :)

  10. TOO cute, miss Allie! We hope the trips build confidence - poor little things.

  11. We sure have been enjoying following your kitten journey. Especially with all of these adorable pictures! Good luck with the traveling adventures - hope that does the trick!
