
Monday, November 17, 2014

The kittens are doing better

The girls are starting to put on weight and are starting to lose that boney feeling. If you look for it, you can easily still feel their bones, but you do kinda have to look a little harder now. I used to be able to feel each nodule on their ribs, now I can simply count the ribs, and I am sure in a few more days I won't even be able to that.

I have had them on raw since getting them back and their stools took another day to firm up but have been very firm since. I ran out of raw once and they got some canned to supplement and the stool got a bit softer, so I am going to keep them on raw for a couple of more days.

I normally feed Bravo after a very disappointing customer service encounter with Oma's Pride a number of years ago, but because of the most recent recalls I have been having a hard time getting enough Bravo, so I decided to buy some Oma's to make sure we had enough food while Bravo sorts things out. Unfortunately we immediately encountered the same issue this time that that started the ball drop last time - a piece of bone big enough to get caught on a tooth and that tooth belonged to one of the kittens. She was NOT happy to have me try to get it off, but I finally did.

I also was gifted a new piece of kitten room hardware. I mentioned that the scratching post I have in that room was getting a bit disgusting and one of my kind readers offered to donate a new one.  It is absolutely lovely, thank you very much!


  1. It's nice reading about this November's crop of fluffballs while one from last November's batch is walking around my desk meowing adorably for attention. I hope one of your readers decides to adopt both (but it ain't gonna be me... I swear...).

  2. Little fluffball looks gorgeous perched on the scratcher.

  3. Whew! I'm glad the kittens are improving! I was concerned about them... well, I still am, but at least they are on the right track now.

  4. ::happy dance::

    Those tiny white toe tips are STUNNING.

  5. Nutin'like a kittie perched on a scratching post, am I right?

  6. Glad they are doing better. I once discontinued getting food from a company that had a terrible customer service. That's a great scratching post. How nice of your reader to donate one :-)

  7. What an adorable little kitten. We are happy to hear they are all doing better. It was good you were able to get that bone out. Very nice scratching post, great gift for the kittens. Hugs and nose kisses

  8. We're very glad they're improving, we, too, were quite concerned for them. And congrats on the new-to-you scratcher, it looks awesome!

  9. I love that picture of her atop the scratching post. I'm so glad to hear they are doing better--a great post with which to start the day! :)

  10. glad they are doing so much the white bib!! and that scratcher is a great one!

  11. That is a cool scratcher! I sure am glad the little ones are doing better!!!

  12. Oh, is that the Ultimate Scratcher? We have one and it's loved.

  13. This is great news about the kittens!

    How very nice and generous of your reader to send you that scratching post!

  14. We're glad to read they're doing better ! What a cool scratcher ! Purrs

  15. It's so good to hear that they're feeling better. We can't even get Bravo! for cats here. Only the dog kind. It's great that you have more than one option for raw in the area, but not so great other companies aren't doing better to quality control their products.

  16. We're glad they're doing better...and purrs that it continues.

  17. Firmer poops make us happy too (as disgusting as that sounds - you know what we mean)! Yippee on new hardware!

  18. They sure are looking like adorable fluffballs! (and why are we not surprised that raw is helping the poop?) ;-) That's pawesome about the scratcher donation - it looks WAY cool!

  19. gorgeous little ones. happy to see they're getting better.

    Emma and Buster

  20. Those Ultimate Scratching posts are the best. I remember when I used to sit on top of mine. Glad the kitties are doing better and gaining weight.

  21. We is so happy to hear the little kitties are feeling better. Pawsome scratcher!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  22. So happy things are looking up for these kitties. Keep up the good work. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  23. So glad to hear they are packing on the ounces!
