
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas at Casa de Gato

This is going to be a fun and photo intensive post.. I hope you don't mind..

I'd like to start out with my Secret Paws gift.  Cat bloggers get together and draw names and I've participated for a few years now.  This year my secret Santa was Stacy from Ms. Stella O Houligan's blog. She contacted me and asked me for an Amazon wish list to make things a bit easier, and I filled it up with things for the foster kittens and a couple of things for Jack... I guess I had Jack on the brain as The Crew would like me to remind you there are seven of them in total and that Muffin is just as deserving of fun things.. (MUFFIN! get off my blog)

Amazon.. you have to love them.. nice big boxes for small items and lots of brown paper for playing with.

See that long box in the middle there, all that was in there was that wand toy.. :) It was really nice to be able to restock the kitten room. Donations to the shelter are so slow this time of year and I generally have to scrounge for good things.

I also got some lovely gifts from friends.. Amy over at baked for me!!  YAY!!

JACK! those are human treats!!  back off!  The wonderful Lisa over at A Tonk's Tail.. or more accurately Faraday from A Tonk's Tail (according to the card sent with the gift) also sent me a gift that made me laugh and smile.

Then there was the annual dressing of the kitties for Christmas.. I adore clothes on cats, but I totally respect the cats in their willingness to put up with me. Eli is 12 years old and this is the first time I have even attempted to put something on him... he has come such a long way

Yes, there was bribery involved.. a lot of it.. I like to make it worth their while. Jack volunteered from the wrong side of the door that if Eli wasn't being co-operative he'd happily step in..

Seriously, that boy will do ANYTHING for food.. and love and attention.. he's "freakin awesome'. Muff and Fleurp are also highly food motivated so it went fairly well.. and it made me smile.

I did go down and tried out a few outfits on the kittens.. but we are all ready pretty photo intensive at this point, so I guess we are going to have a part two.


  1. MOL, those costumes! I'm kind of glad I didn't have to wear them... although what I HAVE had to wear wasn't much better! I love that Stacy thought to ask for an Amazon Wish List, since you wanted things for the fosters.

  2. You sure look cute as Elf´s :)
    PAWsome that you could make a wishlist on Amazon !


  3. The Crew look so cute dressed up!!

    What nice gifts for the fosters and gifts for you, which is always nice.

    Great pics!

  4. I love that your Secret Paws helped with foster and kitten supplies. I have to say that Muffin in costume is my favorite. . .

  5. what a wonderful Christmas extravaganza.....and no WAY would we let mom put those on us (though mom says everyone was adorable in their Christmas finery)

  6. Eli, that tongue says it all! You all look so sweet in your elf suits, Jack you are super handsome! What awesome presents you all got! We want to wish you a very Happy New Year filled with joy, health, love and prosperity! Thank you for helping kitties the way you do...and we wish an amazing forever home for Lena.

  7. MOL! They all look great in their Christmas finery. Better them than us! ;)

  8. The Crew look great all dressed in their holiday duds! MOL! As long as there's food involved, they'll let you do just about anything, won't they?

  9. What a wonderful Chrissymouse for you all ! Nice pictures, can't wait to see part 2 ! Purrs

  10. Maxwell: oh dood, you are SO BUSTED. Those were from ALL of us!!!!! (Mom especially hopes you liked the TARDIS tray ;-) She saw it & HAD to get it for you!!!)
