
Thursday, January 1, 2015

The naming of the kittens

So the kittens really haven't been that open with what they wanted to be called, so I decided to just pick a theme and go with that. This photo was part of the inspiration...

but mostly because of her..

Lena does have those owl eyes, and the little tabby girl likes to sit there with her tail wrapped around her toes and ends up looking like she has an owl profile, so I started considering them the "Owlettes". I was hoping there would be some interesting names of breeds of owls, but sadly whomever named owls were not very creative. Googling owl names I found this website which tells me that owls are the sacred animal of January so I was even more determined to give them owl names.  After consulting a few friends I am proud to introduce..

Tabby with white toes is now Athena
The solid tabby is now Tawny
Tuxie girl is now Glimfeather
Each name was bestowed with kisses and an abundant meal, then there was much rejoicing in the form of wrestling and running around attacking random things.

Btw, several of you have commented how much you love the dot on Glimfeather's head.. I wanted to point out that I think it looks a bit like a heart.. well if the fur wasn't so long you might be able to see it better..


  1. I love them! I think I especially like the name Tawny.

  2. awww - those are good names. :) and yep....we see the heart

  3. Sweet names for the little girls!

  4. The Tawny Owl is well known over in the UK. Love the names. Great idea! Happy New Year to you x0x

  5. Great pictures and great names!

    Happy New Year!

  6. I can totally see the heart on Glimfeather's head. Love the names.

  7. Cool names! The white on Glimfeather's face is called a white locket. :-)

  8. Those names are purrfect for them!

    Happy New Year to you all!

  9. Oooh, we LOVE the name Glimfeather!!

    Happy HAPPY Mew Year to you Aunt Connie!!!!!

  10. Very creative names for the kittens. I especially like that they were given in conjunction with kisses!

  11. I'm with all the others, these names are perfect and from a great theme! They are all adorable as most kittens are, but this group does seem to fit their names particularly well. Such sweethearts!

  12. Ohhh we just LOVE those names! Catabulous!

  13. Great names! I can see that little heart and she looks like a sweet little girl so it fits

  14. Nice naming! They are all adorable, but Lena stole my heart.

  15. Squeeee!!! Love all the names... especially Glimfeather.

  16. All the owlets have the most interesting and distinctive faces. Yes, we think that spot does look like a rather lopsided heart. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
