
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Meet the Momma Kitty

Well as of 10 PM last night we still do not have kittens, and she was eating up a storm so if we have kittens in the morning I'll be horribly shocked.

Yes, she is heavily pregnant, yes, she has double toes (and dewclaws in the back) and a little something something going on over her right eye. She won't let me get a good look at it, and even balked pretty badly when I went to wipe the eye goobers out of her eyes last night, so I don't know what it is. Considering how long her nails were when she got here (she clicked when she walked) it very well could be she tagged herself when attempting to scratch her ear.

I was able to clip her nails, which is good because she really really needed it. She wasn't happy about it though and I think I might have missed one or two on one of her back feet. I didn't want to stress her out by forcing the issue..  She is also have some 'back end' issues, mostly because she can not reach to clean herself. She has been pooping up a storm (mostly because I don't think there is any room for it in there so once it is formed it is pushed right out) and not all of it comes off so she has been boot scooting when she comes out of the litter box. Fortunately she doesn't mind if I take a wash cloth and wipe her down.

Yesterday she gave me all kinds of indications that she was about to pop, including checking out every cubby and crevice where she could give birth and giving them the once over..

I really hope she chooses the basket in the last photo to give birth since I bought it from the shelter yard sale with the sole purpose to be used by a pregnant or nursing mother. I suppose if she doesn't give birth in it, we can eventually move them into it and see how it goes..  The basket wasn't in the best of shape when I bought it so I bought some suede cord and wrapped it around the edge.. that was NOT an easy task and it took me four or five hours since it is one continuous piece and there were five spots where the edge was broken so I had to use a skewer to hold the wrapping in place. I think it came out beautifully though and it was totally worth the effort.

Anyway, after checking everything out she came back for some more belly rubbin. Her nipples are all coated with dead skin and probably milk residue because they were kinda gross. I found out she also has a false nipple under one of her lower nipples.. (her head is below the image and her tail is above it)

I find this fascinating. I do think I will keep an extra eye on it in case there is any milk production to it. If there is and there is no draining of that milk we could run into a case of mastitis.. but we will cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

Pregnant mothers are always so affectionate.. they have got to be super uncomfortable and seriously who doesn't love a good massage when they are uncomfortable? This one hugs my hand though I mean how cute is this??

No names have popped up yet. I was thinking Talulah, but it hasn't seemed to work out. I was also thinking of trying to do a non-human name set, but coming up with sets of names isn't easy when you don't know how many and of what gender you are working with.  I suppose I could just go with soda names and it won't matter if it is male or female *wink*

So, anyone want to make any guesses as to when and how many??


  1. Momma Kitty is beautiful! Sending purrs her way and keeping her in our thoughts...(we say 3 babies)

  2. My human and I know nothing about pregnant moms so no guesses from us, but I do want to say she is stunning - and I bet her kittens will be too!

  3. hahahaha....very funny. :) We love non-people names....and rarely do our momma cats names have anything to do with the kitten theme. She is a lovely house panther....hope she uses that basket at some point too. :)

  4. Oh boy, it looks like your pregnant foster is quite a bit further along than my pregnant foster ... I'll guess Palm Sunday, the 29th. Five babies, er, kittens.

  5. Mama is gorgeous! Naming kittens must be so hard! I remember the trouble we had naming one! Whatever you pick will be adorable, I am sure!
    I think Saturday coming and 4 kittens. I have no knowledge on this but I'll go with it anyway! :)
    Belly rubs to Mama from us! :)

  6. She looks like she has 4 kittens and she is beautiful. More belly rubs Momma.

  7. I love that basket! Gee, her nipples are looking larger, so I don't think she's going to make it to April. I guess Friday and three kittens, one of which will be black.

  8. She's such a beautiful momma-to-be kitty! My uneducated guess is Sunday, with four kittens. :)

  9. She's gorgeous... and polydactyl, too? Lots of toesies on those kittens, for sure.

  10. Love polydactyl cats! Love black cats too! Here's hoping she has an easy delivery.

  11. She is a lovely black kitty, hope the birthing all goes well for her

  12. Aw, she's so sweet. We think she'll have 4 babies. Soon. :)

  13. She sure is a beautiful little Mum!

  14. She looks a lot like my Shady girl, almost entirely black with a teeny tiny bit of white on the chest. Of course the names I've given my cats are not very imaginative. They just had to start with S.

    I'm going to go against the majority and suggest there are five babies in there. No reason, just to be contrary. :)
