
Monday, October 5, 2015

Eureka, we have found the 'jackpot' food for these kittens

These kittens have been particularly tough nuts to crack. I have tried hanging out by the food I have just given them but they simply refuse to eat when I am near... well sometimes they would eat, sometimes they wouldn't; they were very quick to run if I was able to touch them while they were eating.

I tried a variety of foods, no go. I tried baby foods, no go. The crust to my quiche was tempting enough to steal, but they ran off with it so that didn't really help.

The other day my husband and I were being lazy in our meal choices and cooked up a box of steak tips wrapped in bacon. Well bingo, bacon was freakin awesome and my fingers were bitten several times as a reward - fyi, I consider any time a kitten is touching me voluntarily and not in fear is a huge win, be it that they are trying to eat me or investigating me with the paw o'doom.

We didn't have any other bacon in the house, so I tried to think of other things they might like. We hit another bonus food while eating hot dogs. I was on the receiving end of both licks and the paw o'doom. I was investigated for more. Mary climbed up on my lap as did Sarah. I vowed to pick up some more hot dogs when we went grocery shopping.

I picked up some cheap hot dogs, because the grass fed organic hot dogs I generally eat are expensive. As soon as I put them in the cart I mentioned to my husband that they probably have grass fed tastes and the cheap ones are going to be a huge fail.

Well I cooked one up and brought it down to the kittens. Apparently they don't like hot hot dogs, because they immediately started hissing at the pieces I offered them. As soon as it started to cool down they started to take the pieces from my hand. I think I've been giving them a bit too much food because there was some breakfast left over, so it didn't go quite as well as I had hoped, but there was some definite improvement in their interest in me, and I was able to take my empty hand and put it near them without them bolting for the other side of the room. I shall bring some more hot dog down with me and continue with this experiment for the next few days and hopefully I will be able to gain a little benefit of the doubt.

I should mention that Winifred has made some incredible strides on her own. She runs right up to me when I walk in the room, she winds around my ankle when I walk across the room to feed them, and as long as she isn't watching my hands I can reach down and pat her and she loves it. However is she sees those hands she is gone.

I so wish I knew what these poor kittens went through. Tomorrow they are going to have a reading with an animal communicator so hopefully that will help as well.

It looks like I will contact the shelter at the end of the week to get them in for adoption next week. I will write up adoption cards explaining ways to win them over (bacon and play) They are going to need very special homes that are willing to work with them, but they are so very much worth it. They have so much character


  1. These kittens sound awesome and so well worth the work. What little characters.

  2. Awww they will make lovely pets with a bit of love and Bacon,xx Rachel

  3. They sound like they're going to be great companions for the right families who are willing to put in the time (and bacon!) to win them over.

  4. They have good taste, bacon is amazing. You do such amazing work with these babies.

  5. Isn't it amazing when we discover what works? Good job at working so hard to help these kittens. I hope they find the amazing homes they deserve.

  6. Bacon and hot dogs? Whatever works!

  7. bacon and hot dogs - typical teenagers. OMC - hissing at the hot pieces is too funny

  8. They are all adorable. I am glad you found them something they like. I am curious to hear what the animal communicator has to say.

  9. Bacon is a miracle food! And we've never had any. Pfffftttt!

  10. Well it is good that you have managed to find food they like fussy little angels

  11. Good job ! Bacon and hot dogs, why not ? Whatever works, that's fine ! Purrs
