
Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday Morning Kitten Update

This photo shoot was a bit harder than the last because they were so full of themselves, and the flags were oh so fun to play with so there was that too. I was interested in getting the photos quickly and sadly a couple of them are a little blurry.  Samantha here was totally up for watching me wave my magic feather stick. You can almost see her little marshmallow fluff working on how to get to it. Samantha has turned into quite a little love bug and is quite often up on the couch with me trying to get me to pat her.

Evelyn was absolutely obsessed with getting my feather stick and was totally intent on photo bombing everyone else once she figured out where the best place to get to it was (which was right where she was in this photo).  Evelyn is not as cuddly as Samantha and is often very busy doing very important kitten things.

Aech not only doesn't like the flash, but she and Parzival tie for the kittens that like humans the least. We are working very hard on that, but like Evelyn, Aech is very busy and has way more important things to do than be held by those people with the grabby hand things. This saddens me the most because she was so adventurous as a wee baby kitten, I would have thought she would have been one of the first to accept humans. That's okay though, I'll win her over.

Parzival has the least confidence of all of the kittens, which is a pure shame since he is the most beautiful. Yes, I know that is subjective, but this is my blog and I get to gush if I want to. It is a trick to be able to pick him up without him realizing it is coming, because if he sees grabby hands he runs, and we want to keep that running to a minimum. I'm thinking I am going to have to break out some Rescue Remedy for him, but I'm not quite there yet.  Getting him running around after a toy helps build confidence, so we will do that, and hopefully we will be getting some visitors soon which will also help.  Then there are trips to work which we can start any time now. I might try it after hours first.. with six of them they can be a bit of a distraction while they get the lay of the land.

Telling Shoto and Daito apart was originally quite easy because Shoto had some pretty distinct frosting on his hind end. As they have grown it is becoming less and less distinct. I am fairly certain I had them mixed up last week. I thought Daito had the rounded ears and the wider bridge nose, but looking back on photos I can see that was Shoto. I can generally tell from personality because Daito is up for anything and do first think later kind of kitten. Shoto is still more reserved, still larger, and still more reluctant to interact with us.  I also think he is lacking a bit of self-confidence and we are working on that too.

All of the kittens have a wonderful appetite and eat very well. I am glad because it can sometimes be hard for young kittens to eat enough to consume enough calories for all of the growing and playing they need to do. This problem tends to happen around week five/six, not six/seven, but you never know.  I haven't weighed them in a while because Daito is still quite small so what the rest of them weigh doesn't really matter.  They are scheduled to go to the shelter next week for their second vaccines, and then sometime after that, when Daito makes weight, they'll go up for adoption.  I'm hoping it is at least three weeks from now because I believe older kittens make better house pets. Not to harp on the self-confidence thing, but older kittens tend to have more of it and it helps them with adjustments into new homes.

Art3mis is still at the shelter, no major surprise there. She is doing well enough. I am hoping someone shows up soon who is willing to overlook how poorly she shows at the shelter and who is willing to give her a shot.


  1. If I lived closer, I would be runnimg to your house RIGHT NOW to adopt that Samantha.

    I think the gorgeous ones always tend to be the most shy, but I think it works well like that because then the ordinary looking ones have the personality going for them and the beautiful ones have the looks going for them. Sadly I think it is easier to find homes for the shy gorgeous ones than the ordinary cuddly ones.

  2. I know you'll win over those shyer kittens. They are all adorable!

  3. Everyone is so cute. We know ultimately they will all do well.

  4. We hadn't noticed how distinct the target marking was on Aech's side. It means "kiss me here," right?

  5. They are all so adorable. I'm sure they will gain more confidence with your help :-)

  6. They have come so far already. They're becoming beautiful kitties.

  7. They're very patriotic kitties. :)

  8. Sorry I missed this yesterday. Such cute little patriotic kitties.
