
Monday, June 6, 2016

The kittens are on a slow boat to Adoptiontown

I originally thought the kittens were due back at the shelter this week for their vaccines, but it is next week. Since they are all over two pounds at this point I'm thinking it would be good for them to schedule them to be neutered sometime after that. I will probably contact the shelter this week and ask about it.

They are all doing very well emotionally. Parzival isn't as loving as I wish he was, but that is only because I want him to be a 42 on a scale of 1-10. We had visitors this weekend and he came right out and interacted with them beautifully. I need to remember that not everyone wants a cat that is a '42' as they can be overwhelming.  So basically at this point, we are simply waiting out the time until they are being neutered. My job here is done save for finding them homes - well and feeding them and scooping the litter box. (and taking pictures of them)

Samantha has a home, and I have someone else who is interested in another but I haven't gotten specifics yet. I'm foolishly attempting to convince someone to come in from St. Louis to adopt Parzival, mostly because it is fun, not because I think she'll come.

Photo shoots have become fun; by fun I mean a lot of work. I end up taking more kittens off the platform than I ever put up there.  This time, it was Evelyn. She was very enamoured by the little red boat and wanted to be involved in everything. A lot of the photos she isn't in she is just out of range.





Daito & Shoto (in back)









  1. I bet you had lots of fun taking photos of those guys! I'm sure they will find homes sooner than later.

  2. All of them are so sweet. And cuddly. And fuzzy.

  3. You find the best props for your photo shoots with the kittens! They're looking absolutely adorable, and it sounds like they are going to be adopted into homes quickly with friendly personalities like that.

  4. Oh my gosh...I want to adopt THEM ALL!!! So adorable :)

  5. They are sooo adorable riding the boat! I hope they will find homes soon!

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Do you think that your blog writing helps your foster babies find homes? Does your shelter advertise your blog to get potential adopters looking your way? What do you think is the most effective way to find homes for shelter and foster animals?

    1. I have found a dozen or so homes for my foster kittens via my blogging and subsequently through my promotion on facebook.

      A good photo makes a world of difference. Having well lit photo in a warm setting is much more endearing and it has people stop and take a second look at pets where as random photos taken in cages can turn people off.

      Most effective way to find homes? that is the magic key we are all looking for. Promotion and marketing. Getting the right story and right photo out in front of the right set of eyeballs at the right time. Making your environment warm and friendly (most people avoid shelters as 'sad' places) and inviting. Give people a reason to show up other than adopting.. The shelter I volunteer for adopts a lot of animals out at satellite adoption locations - in pet stores, etc. People are showing up for food for their pet and fall in love with another. If you can get them in the door, the pets can often sell themselves.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Thank you for sharing your insights.

  7. You take the best pictures! All the kittens are so, so sweet. :-)

  8. SO cute!!! that boat is adorable and just the right size

  9. OH MY WORD, that boat is just adorable!

  10. I want to reach into the computer screen and SMOOCH THOSE BABIES!

  11. I think your kittens are the same age as mine--who are all scheduled for a neuter surgery on Friday. Mine don't have the wonderful photos you have here. No props, for sure. You are doing such an awesome job!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  12. Beautiful, and cute, photos ! Purrs

  13. Oh my goodness, you just provided mom's daily dose of squee with those photos.

    Emma and Buster

  14. We purr that they all find homes real fast...shouldn't be a problem when you're that cute.

  15. We are pawsitive they'll find their furever homes furry soon....they are all soooo cute!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  16. You come up with the best photo shoots. Such cuties.

  17. We betcha that slow boat isn't very slow for these cuties!!
