
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Hanging with the kittens

I wanted to spend some time with the kittens without forcing them to interact with me, so I brought my laptop down and intended to spend some time catching up on my blog reading. With company last week, I'm woefully behind and I found myself with over two hundred posts to get through.


They certainly intend on making that easy for me don't they.  Elie thought you needed to see that 7 there.. *shrug*

After I removed them 100 times from my laptop, this happened.

Seriously.. they were all hanging out with me!  Now I really want to put the couch back in this room :) cause sitting on the floor has been less than fun.


  1. Aww...reading partners

  2. They are so cute!!

    Mindy & Mike

  3. MOL! We think you can forget about getting caught up.

  4. There's something about a laptop that draws kitties! It's like a kitten magnet.

  5. They are all so cute! But yes...ignoring kittehs is the same as closed doors. They don't think that's right.

  6. Aww they look quite comfortable hanging out with you :-)

  7. That is so sweet, they were "helping" you :)

  8. The person who noticed that cats like people who don't go out of their way to interact with them was onto something :)

  9. *waves paws madly* HIYA GUYS! We like yer reading choices! MOL!!
    And uh, we need ta talk. 42 is MUCH better'n' 7. Ask the human.

  10. Aww, that's so sweet. What a fun and adorable environment to get caught up on blog reading.
    Thank you so much for the words of love and support on Milton's memorial post today. I know that you know what it is to feel the pain of losing a rescued kitten - a sweet soul who deserved so much better than the hard life he was born into. But as you said, I would willingly do it all again, because I just can't bear to think about the alternative. I truly appreciate what you had to say, more than you know.

  11. So sweet! Who wants to read cat blogs when you have such adorable wee ones there vying for your attention.

  12. They want to blog along with you

  13. Amazing how a laptop is so attractive to a cat/kitten. They are so adorable!

  14. You are not only super adorable, but you are superstars.

    Emma and Buster

  15. Well, it might not be "fun," but it sure is "cute!" :)

  16. The Kitten Whisperer does it again!

  17. How cute! They just want to give you blogging inspiration.
