
Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Jack the Nebelung

Jack is doing well. He is still hypothyroid due to an overly aggressive I131 treatment for his hyperthyroid. Despite this, the only issue he seems to have is that his fur needs to be combed more frequently. This means I keep a comb on my nightstand and as a result, I have a small pile of fur on it because apparently, I can't bare to throw it away. At 14, I know my time with him is not nearly as long as my time has already been with him... but I'm still hoping he'll make it to 30 ;)  I love him beyond reason..


  1. I'm glad Jack is doing well! Binga is 16 this month, and although she shows, like, NO sign of slowing down, my human appreciates every day she has with her. Well, except for the biting part of the days.

  2. With all your loving care, it would not surprise me Jack makes it to 30. He feels your love for him.

  3. I understand your love for him so well :)

  4. Jack is a handsome guy.

  5. Sweet Jack. I hope you have many more happy years with him xo

  6. Thanks for the Jack update! Glad he's doing well.

  7. Thanks for the Jack update! Glad he's doing well.

  8. He is indeed very handsome.

  9. Gorgeous boy :) Bear's 10 and I never let myself forget that I won't have him in my life forever - no matter how impossible it is to envision a life without him.

  10. Treasure every day with him. Benny is nearly 16 and not a day goes by that I don't think of this.

  11. he's in great hands.....and well loved

  12. Jack is a very handsome mancat, and he's lucky to be in your house of love!

  13. We're glad to hear Jack is doing well. Purrs

  14. Mes happy to hear about Jack! And jack, 14 is not too old...mes turned 18 this year and mes still like the everready bunny, mes going and going and going....

  15. Jack is such a handsome guy. I hope that he starts to feel better soon. You never know, he might just have 30 years in him. It is hard when a kitty gets sick. I know that I feel very helpless when my kitties don't feel well. *hugs*

  16. Sending purrs to Jack. He's lucky to have you.

  17. Jack is a handsome boy and I am glad he is doing well. Flynn is 16 and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism over 2 years ago. He was put on the pills and his T4 was brought into range and then he became desperately ill. It was discovered that he was intolerant of the pills. Even trying different pills, dermal gel and natural medication made him very ill and were killing him. Our vet took him off all medication to help his body recover and now the only medication he can tolerate are Prednisalone and Ranitidine which he does reasonably well with. The vet said i131 treatment would not be suitable for him as he could suffer the same sort of drastic reaction. As long as he is happy and continues to enjoy life, we are happy.

    1. I saw you were going through that, and I can totally relate to the decisions you've made on Flynn's behalf. It is so hard when what you thought was going to be the exact thing they need is the thing that causes so many problems.

  18. What a sweet face! I'm certain he enjoys the brushing as much as you love him. I hope he continues to do well for many years to come.

  19. What a handsome mancat - love that sweet face.

  20. Well, I had one get to 20. "Don't give up Jack!" See, like The Titanic. See, I made a joke.

    So anyway.

    Options on that fur, you can spin it into yarn. You can felt it into a mini Jack.

  21. I hope you have many more years with sweet Jack.
