
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thankful Thursday - time with Kit

Kit was recently diagnosed with malignant lymphoma and we were told that cats diagnosed with it usually have three to six months. We were hoping that we would all be together for one last set of holidays, but the last few days have brought that into question. Her cancer is on her throat and it is impeding her ability to swallow. It is not blocking her yet, but after a few bites she starts swallowing hard and occasionally a bit comes back up and you can tell it frustrates her.

She was originally put on 2.5mg prednisolone twice a day and the vet recommended that we drop that to once a day after a week. When we did she dropped a few ounces pretty quickly. They were ounces that she put on when we started the pred so I didn't initially worry. The next few days she appeared stable, but then her weight started to fall some more. She likes to hang out on the scale, so it makes it easy to check that - maybe a little too easy.

Because of the weight loss and the swallowing, I put her back on the twice a day pred and her weight stabilized again. She is not inclined to eat the raw food, so we have been giving her deli meat which she adores. Last night I broke out some A/D which is very finely ground and easy to swallow and she ended up eating a couple of ounces of that.

I was hopeful that I would do a weekly update on her but this is moving way too fast and I am pretty certain the next post will be letting you know that she is gone.

But since she is still with us, we will be very thankful and enjoy every moment we can with her without annoying her.


  1. I'll pray for her.

  2. Sweet girl... my heart aches for you all. Give her a pat from me.

  3. I feel so bad for you and for Kit. :-(

  4. Our deepest condolences on Kit's prognosis, we know how difficult it is during what you know are the last few weeks of your fur baby's life.
    Kit is lucky to have a family who has her best interest and comfort in mind, you can be comforted that she knows this and loves you for it. I lost my house panther four years ago to cancer, she had a tumor in her jaw so I empathize how hard it is to see them struggle to eat, go from a bright eyed and active baby to a serene, thin shell of their former self. I chose to let her tell me when it was time to make her journey, giving supportive palliative care. Everything went smoothly and I know it will for you whenever Kit's time comes to make her final journey. Until then enjoy every moment, indulge her in what she loves and embrace all the happiness your family deserves.

  5. Kerry6:28 AM

    Kit and you and your husband will be in my thoughts -- may treats flow her way, and yours.

  6. Sending love and prayers for peace to all of you.

  7. I'm so very sorry. :( enjoy all of the days that you are priveledged enough to get together. I guess this applies to all of us, but more so when the days are numbered. How sad. Purrs and prayers.

  8. We are so sorry. We send Kit and you lots of comforting purrs.

  9. So so sorry. Went thru this last year. So hard. But what kept me sane was knowing get what a wonderful life he'd had. You've given her so much. Mr. White and I sending you good thoughts a big purrs.

  10. Time is so precious. Lots of purrs and good thoughts for you and Kit to have happy snuggles together.

  11. we are so very very sorry. cancer sucks..... purrs to Kit and you and dh

  12. Anonymous9:09 AM

    My heart kitty Jenny went in to have some dental work and we discovered that she had a sarcoma in her mouth. Because it was under her tongue surgery was not an option. She was a very healthy 16 and she lived 4 months from diagnosis until she could no longer eat and she was clearly in pain. The vet cried with us when we let her go because she was otherwise so healthy. It is heartbreaking about Kit but you will know what to do and we will send prayers for you to have time together and she will take her cue from you because our kitties live in the moment.....Karen Lucas with Jane & Henry & Lily

  13. My tears are for you and the heartache of seeing such loss in the near future. No words can help, but my heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.

  14. She's a beautiful girl. Give her a hug from us.

  15. Sending more purrs. I know you are treasuring every moment.

  16. We are all holding Kit and you in our hearts and thoughts.

  17. She's so lucky she has you there taking such good care of her, give her a cuddle from me

  18. This is a heartbreaking time for you. I know you will do the right thing for her when the time comes, but it's so hard to face that prospect. Biggest hugs to all of you.

  19. Continuing to send love and light...hugs to the humans and gentle skritches to dear Kit.

    I also want to say thank you for bravely sharing this difficult time with all of us. I've come to think of you and your felines as friends, even as I am aware that I only have a narrow view into your life and can't pretend to really "know" you.

    Plus I have learned, and continue to learn, so much from you about cats, living with them and loving them. So, thank you for continuing to share, even when it's so very, very hard.

    Holding you all in love, and wishing you peace.

  20. So sorry to hear about Kit. We lost our 19-year old Amy last week. It never gets easier.

  21. We're so sorry for you and Kit. Purrs and hugs

  22. Sending you headbumps, purrs from us and prayers and hugs from Mom. We are all so sorry for what you are going through. Mom and Dad went through the same thing almost 2 years ago. Cancer SUCKS, but remember all the love you both have had for one another. You have all your memories to cherish.
