
Monday, November 7, 2016

The kittens receive guests

My friend (and guardian to one of my former fosters) wanted to come up and receive a little kitten therapy. I love having people come and visit the kittens because the more I can expose them to the better.  Fortunately, except for some ongoing litter box issues (this has got to stop soon or I am going to have to see if they want to check them for a medical issue) this set of kittens have some impressive self-esteem so they didn't *need* socialization, but it is always a good thing.

The kittens were lovely and social and just what Dr. Tiny Kitten ordered.

I know I'm being used, but I kinda like this scratching behind the ear thing.

It is a good thing distressed leather is in this year ;) 


  1. How much fun! Kitten therapy is awesome - I think ALL humans need it now and again.

  2. These kittens have been full of personality from the beginning ... and haven't been afraid to mug it a little bit. Whenever I see fosters, I can't help but be thankful that they get the chance to be carefree kittens and not have to fight for life on the street. It's beautiful to watch them blossom ... after 10 years, you'd never know Bear understands what it is to be hungry and cold :) Well, he was my personal rescue anyway ... though he's rescued me far more in return in a billion ways I never expected.

  3. We think kittens could never have too much socialization.

  4. too funny.....glad they are expanding their circle of friends

    (have you tried the cat attract....maybe they are just stubborn)

  5. These kittens are so full of expressions.

  6. That first photo is just exquisite! I want some kitten therapy; can I stop over too?

  7. That was fun for everyone!

  8. Boy, that was swell! I'm ready to come up and do it all over again. My photos finally finished loading to my laptop today, so stayed tuned for a post from the other side of the boots.

  9. Yippee for socialization time! The more of that the better, we learned. Here's to happy, well adjusted kittens (who might yet get a handle on that litter box deal).

  10. It looks like everyone had a lot of fun ! Purrs

  11. Thank you for the kitten fix. This really is a most adorable group...but then, our mom, is rather partial to grey kitties. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Such cuties, they do seem very social.

  13. It's great that they like people so much.

  14. Kitten therapy sounds wonderful!
