
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A long winter's nap

Now that the days are getting longer, Muffin thinks that taking a serious power nap is a good thing and she hopes you all take some time out of your busy lives to take a nap of your own because they are a good thing. (apparently, it is also Festival of Sleep day)

The Crew also wanted you to know that while the enjoyed the tree a great deal, and that many of the 'ornaments' ended up around the house, the tree itself remained intact. They are not a fan of the many memes that float around saying cats destroy Christmas trees. Yes, there are cats who do, but not all cats do.

Even when they are covered in cat toys


  1. We have never done anything to the Christmas tree, nor have any of the cats before us. I DID bat at a couple of the lower hanging ornaments... but they were put there just for that reason!

  2. Your tree is certainly in good taste :)

  3. We've never destroyed the tree either...though Ernie has broken a few branches by climbing in the tree.

  4. Muffin, you are very wise. And your tree is quite lovely.

  5. Our tree has remained mostly untouched. A few ornaments knocked off and the skirt is mussed up, but nothing is breakable so no worries.

  6. We completely agree with Muffin

  7. Your tree looks great. I put all crocheted cat toys on the bottom and they rarely got touched too. All mine are good with the tree, probably because it is fake so it doesn't have that smell.

  8. Muffin! You look good enough to EAT!

  9. Not winter here but I have been having some short summer naps the last few days

  10. We knocked some ornaments down but we never destroyed the tree either. Yours is lovely. Purrs

  11. We didn't have one rogue ornament this year! Sweet dreams, Muffin.

  12. We run around the bottom of the tree but have never bothered anything on the tree either. Enjoy some extra sleep Muffin!

  13. napping seems like a very wise idea
