
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Adventures in Cat Sitting - part three

Yesterday was almost all about fun. I spent a little time holding each kitty until they asked to be put down and then we played.

These girls like to fly.

Their dynamic is very interesting. They have never been apart and the only other instance of siblings I know of is my own Muff and Eli who have a very contentious relationship because he loves to push her buttons and goat her into wrestling and she does not like it.

Trixie won't play if Nancy is on the playing field and Nancy won't play if Trixie is. Occasionally, they will but they are very cautious of one another, not wanting to start sparks which can happen if they both go after it at the same time. It is nice that they are respectful of one another.

I've been working on trying to capture just how orange the girls' eyes are, they are still light in these photos. I'm hopeful I can do it before they leave on Sunday.


  1. They were having LOTS of fun!

  2. It looks like they were having a blast! If kitties need to have cat boarding or sitting, your kitten room has to be the best possible place for them to pass the time.

  3. We think they will give your hotel 4.5 paws up when they leave. It would have been 5, but your insistence on those mats gets you marked down. :)

  4. babysitting these two seems like fun - what a great chance to reconnect with these girls

  5. You really can fly! What fun!

  6. Wow. They are both true acrobats! It's so heart-warming to see cats just being cats and enjoying it. Beautiful girls :)

  7. You've got some serious moves with that cat toy, to get the kitties to fly! They are pretty kitties!

  8. It almost looks like the eyes are photoshopped in that first photo (though I know they aren't).

  9. That's pretty much how Wally and Ernie play "together." You really captured their orange eyes!

  10. Glad they are doing well and you are enjoying them.

  11. Wow! We're very impressed with the high jumps!

  12. OMC, they sure are having fun!

  13. Looks like everyone is having a great time!
    Have a super Thursday...

    Noodle and crew

  14. Oh wow, they really can fly!
