
Friday, February 17, 2017

Former Foster Friday - guess who came for dinner

I reached out to Nancy and Trixie's mom to see if I could stop by and take some photos of her girls (formerly known as Wryn and Sprite)

They are just over a year old and are coming up on their "Gotcha Day" and I was hoping to invite myself over to get some photos. When I asked about stopping by I was met with a question "Do you know a good cat sitter?"

Do I know a good cat sitter? 😃

I offered to take care of the girls, but the more I thought about it the more I realized they might have more attention if they boarded at Casa de Gato. Since I have a spare room at the moment, it worked out nicely.

They are here until next Sunday morning.

Initially, everything went far better than I was expecting. They were both out and about and investigating and being social. Nancy became a little overwhelmed with the new scents and everything going on so she started growling at things. It was interesting because she was still rubbing on me while growling - it reminded me of Lemon - their mom who used to growl at the weirdest things.

It is easy to engage Nancy in play, which is a very good sign, but she seems disturbed by her sister, and I wonder if that might not be a scent thing, but her sister is giving her a wide berth. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being everything is awesome and I'm giving belly rubs and 1 is I'm worried about bloodshed, I think we are at a 7. I gave her a little Rescue Remedy and I'm fairly certain things will be calmer in the morning. If I am wrong and this goes downhill, I can always bring them back to their home and stop by twice a day to check on them.

The webcams are on if you want to check on them.


  1. How cool that you get to kitty sit some former fosters - they have certainly grown up into gorgeous kitties! I bet Nancy and Trixie are both a little weirded out, being out of their element. I'm sure you'll know if they need to go home for the rest of the time.

  2. Wow, they are so lovely. We hope the growlies pass very soon.

  3. Oh what a win-win set up!

  4. aww - that is so sweet. we hope they adjust to their temporary cat camp

  5. After reading this, I wish I could communicate with cats!

  6. It is nice to be able to visit with them again, and see how they have developed.

    Greg (

  7. How nice of you to take care of them. They both are gorgeous.

  8. They are so pretty. That is a win-win, you get to reconnect and they get excellent care and their folks don't have to worry.

  9. That is so cool that you get to sit for some of your former fosters! They're beautiful!

  10. How cool ! They are beautiful ladies ! Purrs

  11. They make a beautiful pair! Hopefully they'll calm down a bit. But what a treat to get to spend a few more days with them!

  12. It's great that they get to visit. Hopefully everyone stays calm and you can enjoy them the entire time you're pet sitting.

  13. They are such pretty girls! And how fun to have them at your house. :)
