
Thursday, March 9, 2017

What do Mississippi Foster Kittens think of raw food?

This photo pretty much captures the initial thoughts of Max and Trina when I offered them raw food. Max only looks like that because of the flash on my camera, but I could hear him loud and clear wondering what on earth his sister was eating every time he checked out the plate. Watch the video yourself and see if you can't hear him tell you that this is not food!!

Eventually, Max came around to give it a serious try and he found out he really liked it. It's like I know what I'm doing or something.. smh... silly kittens.

I will admit, after they had a meal of raw food, they started to feel heavier for their size. I know it is most likely an accumulation of everything they've eaten over their time here, but I can pretend otherwise.


  1. MOL! You should have heard my human laugh at Max during the video.

  2. Wow, those tiny meows are the cutest thing ever.

  3. any change is weird...until it isn't :)

  4. These two are very vocal! And covered in adorableness...!

  5. We haz more complaints!

  6. LOL love that 1st picture! And such a cute video. I'm glad Max eventually liked the raw food!

  7. Those are such cute meows ! We're glad that Max finally decided that raw food was comestible ! Purrs

  8. "you tryin' ta poison us or sumthin', Lady?" MOL!!!!

  9. C'mon! Break out the "real" food! ;)

  10. Wow ! Trina really dug in - gonna show that brofur of hers - he won't be bigger than she is much longer ! At first I was afraid he was going to try a bite of the bow on your slipper !

  11. He was a hard sell, glad they both liked it.

  12. MOL! That first picture is hilarious. Love those little meows.
