
Thursday, May 4, 2017


I know I know, sharing that I have new kittens on a Wordless Wednesday post and not saying a word was pretty mean. Sorry. The thing is, I had no information to share. I received an email late in the afternoon asking if I wanted kittens (ha ha ha ha) and I had my husband run up and get them so I didn't have to leave work early. I work right up until the time they close and they are half an hour away from me if I speed. Since he was in the area, it is just easier to have him grab them.

He said he was told their names were Sherlock and Watson, but he doesn't know which one is which. My friend Laurie tells me that Sherlock was a redhead, so will let the tuxie be Watson. Yes, they are both boys, I checked.  I was told they were about six weeks old. They are just over a pound and a half, Watson is smaller than Sherlock.

He also mentioned that Watson was known as being friendly, but they were both unsure that they want anything to do with humans right now.

Watson also has a bit of white at the end of his tail.

When I got home from work, I went right down to the kitten room to meet them. I searched everywhere for them and couldn't find them. Turns out they were back in their carrier - which is where I took that first photo. I pulled them out and they weren't happy about it. There might have been a hiss out of Sherlock. Once I had them in my hands for a forced snuggle they just accepted it. I put them down before they asked to so as to not overly stress them out, and they pretty quickly got to exploring the room.

They feel a little light for their size so they will be going on the "pack on the pound" program at Casa de Gato. They are due back at the shelter in two weeks for a booster shot and then depending on how much they gain we'll go from there.


  1. I know you'll work your kitten magic on them!

  2. those are great names!! welcome cuties!

  3. We are so pleased the kitten room is occupied again - they look adorable. Welcome Sherlock and Watson.
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  4. I know I say this all of the time, but they sure are cute.

  5. And now the fun begins....

  6. We're watching "Elementary" with the female "Joan Watson", so even if Watson had been female, it would still be appropriate. Also big fans of the BBC's "Sherlock". Again, congrats both to you and to the kits.

  7. Well, I am pretty sure that Sherlock Holmes did NOT have red hair, but notwithstanding Sherlock and Watson are adorbs!

  8. They are just absolutely and finding a more loving, fun place to be one would be hard pressed to find. All the kitties that come to you are so lucky. Bless you for all you do. Hugs and nose kisses

  9. Oh, how fun for you. Sherlock and Watson are precious!

  10. And has Happy Bear made any comment yet??

  11. Adorable! Can't wait to see them again with some happy weight on them!

  12. So cute! Mom bean was so excited to see them on Facebook.

  13. We love the names ! It's great that you got kittens again, Happy Bear must be really happy ! Purrs

  14. What cuties and love the names.
