
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The new tater tots

I have to interrupt the "Then and Now" posts I was doing on my cats to bring you the two newest additions to Casa de Gato. They are on antibiotics for a few days so there are hanging out at Camp "Learn to love people" and are on the intensive track. Neither one of them was overly thrilled to meet me when they first showed up.

The black one is called Yukon and the tiger is called.. get this.. Potato. It is a riot because they have fat little bellies that actually make them feel like potatoes so the names are kinda fitting. I keep calling Yukon "Cornelius" instead. He is not much amused with that either. Yukon has a very strong distrust of people. He doesn't like me nor does he like the Catman. I am currently at the point (they showed up Monday night) that I can walk up to him and touch him. He is reluctant to walk up to me. When I get him near me by playing with him when he realizes where he is he runs away. He has his safety zone and it is just out of my reach, but that zone was originally nowhere near me, so I have a lot of hope.

Potato is a flirt and he LOVES to play and bite my toes. He is not a fan of being on my lap, but we are working on that. He likes having the back of his ears scratched and has a bit of a motor on him. When he originally showed up he wasn't a fan of me either and sometimes when I move too fast he runs and hides.

They both really like to eat, thank goodness, and they have nice round bellies that are heavy for their size which makes me smile every time I'm able to touch them (so much so I felt the need to mention it more than once)

I haven't weighed them so I'm not sure how long they will be with us. They feel quite heavy, so I'm guessing once they are done their meds they will be moving on shortly after that. Maybe a day or two to make sure that they are stable so possibly next week or the beginning of the week after that.


  1. I've been going back and forth with my husband for months that the name Potato would be cute for a kitty. The closest I got to making this happen was a foster nicknamed "Jacky Potato". I feel vindicated now.

  2. They are so cute! I'm sure you will have them whipped into shape, socialization wise by the time the meds are done.

  3. What cute fluffy kittens! Love the names, Yukon and Potato :-)

  4. They're adorable, of course. Hee ... "Cornelius"! Kittens bounce, too! ;-)

  5. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Oh good grief, I nearly spat my coffee this morning at those grumpkin faces, lol. They are so cute and their names are FANTASTIC! Work your magic on these beebees!!


  6. what cute nuggets. we bet they fall for the charms of you and the Catman in no time.

    FYI - Spud got his name for a similar reason...needed something for a medical chart and he was small and round and...well there you go. :)

  7. Oh, such cuties! You know they'll be all over you by the time their stay with you is up.

  8. Oddly, he sort of looks like a Potato.

  9. They are both so cute! And their names are really cool!

  10. Not like Catman? Has that ever happened before? Am sure you'll turn these two spudlets around in no time!

  11. Yay! More kittens! Though they don't look like potatoes. ;)

  12. I came here, I smiled and felt happy and for that I thank you

  13. They are such sweethearts! Have fun with them.

  14. Look at how cute they are ! :D

  15. Yukon and Potato are such little cuties. I'm glad they're starting to learn to love people. :)

  16. They are cuties, great names.

  17. ooooh new BEBES!!!

  18. What cute new tator tots!
