
Monday, September 4, 2017

Good luck kittens

I emailed the shelter and found out that the kittens are doing well. So well in fact that they are keeping them and putting them up for adoption.

Since I don't expect to have kittens again until after we move - providing we find a house here right quick - I'm going to spend the next six days doing some wordless posts about The Crew. I am hopeful that by the end of the week we'll have an announcement about a house, but I'm not foolish enough to say we are going to make an announcement. I've watched enough soap operas in my youth to know better 🐱


  1. Good luck with the house hunting.

  2. Maybe you could let us know how the houses you consider might affect the kittens you foster and the cats you have. But, definitely, good luck with the house hunting.

  3. Good luck, babies! And paws crossed that you have new house news soon!

  4. Good luck kittens! Good luck on the house hunt!

  5. Yes, good luck to the kittens!
