
Monday, September 11, 2017

Watchin X-Files with the lights on

We are watching the roach episode now, which is one of the episodes we like a lot, that and the one with Charles Nelson Reilly.  Not sure what caught Fleurp's attention about the credits to the previous episode, but I couldn't resist capturing it.

It looks like the cats are starting to feel the stress of the move. I took yesterday off from packing and did my best to make myself available for snuggling and love. They took me up on it frequently and flagrantly. I am hoping now that we aren't taking full days away from the house once and twice a week they'll relax a little. I know the stacking of boxes in the guest room and my office is not helping. There will be some nip parties going on and rescue remedy will be applied liberally if I suspect it isn't getting better.

Speaking of nip, I walked into the kitchen the other day in the middle of the night and heard a scraping sound. It was a slow *scrape* pause *scrape* and I was a bit weirded out wondering what it was. Turned out that Eli had found himself a nip nanner and was giving it lots of love..


  1. Can you believe my human has never seen an episode of the X-Files? Well, she has barely seen an episode of anything that came out in the 1980s, 1990s or 2000s because she just doesn't watch much TV.

    1. I can believe it.. the Roach episode is an absolute riot though, and you don't really need to know the canon to enjoy it.

  2. don't you hate that weird random noise?? hopefully the moving will do smoothly and the cats will adjust quickly

  3. The X-Files episode with Charles Nelson Reilly is one of my top five favorite eps! I've seen them all; more than once, twice...and still get together with other X-File fanatics once a year to watch again! My BIL says he watches and then has to leave all of the lights on in the house...LOL! Wish I had some feedback about moving with cats, but I don't since I'm never moving again so the cats will always have the same home. Am betting lots of snuggle and lovey dovey stuff are a good remedy!

    1. I bought the complete original series for my husband for Christmas

  4. Claire is a huge fan of X-Files too ! We can figure out that noise very well, Zorro does the same one with his nip cigar. Purrs

  5. Oooooo! X-Files! The mom likes that show. But we like the idea of having lots of nip parties. :)

  6. Nip nanners are the best. I like to lick mine.

  7. ..."Like Kurosawa I make mad films
    Okay, I don't make films
    But if I did they'd have a Samurai"... :) :) :)

  8. Moving... Blech !! Good luck with yours.

  9. That is cute that Fleurp was watching the X-Files. And good find for Eli.
