
Friday, September 29, 2017

We have chrysalis!

Wednesday night I saw this:

I checked on him several times in the evening but he continued to look like this (I should so totally name him - and a non-gender specific name since I have no idea if this is a boy) so I went to bed. In the morning I had this:

I"m kind of glad I missed the whole spectacle because instead of spinning a web around themselves they literally break their skin and molt into their chrysalis. There are interesting time lapse videos on YouTube if you are interested in seeing it. So in nine to fifteen days, hopefully, there will be a butterfly.

The one that is outside is a day or two ahead of the one inside so that one could very well hatch first. We'll have to see.

So, I'm back to not having anything to care for.. *sigh* I kinda hope my cats don't take this as a signal to get into trouble to make me care for them. Although, with this cold that is coming on, maybe I should just take some time and care for myself.


  1. At least you are not like my human - she can barely take care of herself!

  2. Yeaaa! The kittenpillar saga is moving rapidly to a happy conclusion.

  3. This is so cool! Now go drink some hot tea.

  4. Did you see that I added a Monarch Butterfly migration map to my blog? I think Monarchs (well, all butterflies...) are so cool, but I wouldn't grow one of my own inside; too buggy for me! It's amazing how fast this happened!

  5. take care of yourself and make some good butterfly wishes

  6. Wow, this is incredible! I can't wait to see butterfly coming out! Yes you gotta name him/her, and even the one outside :-)

  7. We can't wait to see what emerges. :)

  8. Can't wait to see the butterfly ! Purrs

  9. I think their chrysalis is beautiful. Robin's egg spots!

  10. I would LOVE to be there to see that! I have always and ever wished I could see this process. Thank you for putting it here for us xx

  11. Very cool - I love butterflies! And yes, taking care of yourself is a good thing! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

  12. They are so pretty with the little row of gold. We just had one by our front door and got photos of it emerging as a butterfly. Thank you for the kind words you left for me on the loss of Phoebe. XO

  13. All that, overnight? Wow, that is amazing!
