
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Treat Time with #chewyinfluencer

This month's offering from the Influencer Program offered some cat treats. I have been wanting to restock my treat cabinet so I would have a bunch for the move, so not only did I choose to blog about two different types of treats but I bought two additional packages as well. Someone was well pleased.

Fleurp was very eager to be the star of this blog post. She is always up for trying new treats.

For this post, we are going to talk about VitalEssentials Vital Essentials Chicken Hearts Freeze-Dried Cat Treats. It comes in a 0.8 oz bag which contains eight hearts.

Fleurp was so enamored by hers that she took it and ran off as soon as Skippy showed up. I offered him one and he was quite interested in it, but he was unsure as to how to go about eating it. I ended up cutting it up into smaller bits

I wish he would have chewed on the whole heart like Fleurp did, but he is so timid and willing to give up his treat to whichever cat shows up and tells him to give it up that I wasn't going to push it. I wanted him to have some and enjoy it, which he did.

I like that these treats are a single ingredient product. I like that they aren't highly processed and aren't full of inappropriate ingredients. The downside is that they are gross to handle (not nearly as gross as freeze-dried minnows) and they are a little large for some cats. I totally recommend you give freeze-dried hearts a try.

Thank you, Chewy for the opportunity to review this product. The other Vital Essentials treat review will be coming soon, along with a discussion of how the calming product we got from Chewy last month helped with the move - which if all goes well should be happening on Monday. My husband is going to the house today and will plug it in so it has a chance to disperse the product into the room by the time we get there.


  1. I want freeze-dried hearts, big time! Yum! I'm little, so my human would probably have to cut them in half for me, but I'd still enjoy gnawing on one.

  2. those look interesting - though the mom was all "eww"

  3. Sadie LOVES freeze-dried chicken hearts, and I'll bet Lucy would too. We love that they are a single, meat ingredient.

  4. We wish you a stress free move.

  5. My boys love chicken hearts. And turkey hearts, which are seriously big so I need to cut them. But Goro would eat the whole thing :-)

  6. I know that Sweetie and The POM would LURV the chicken hearts! Angel and Chuck...not so much just because they like their usual and don't really like treats or change! The move is getting exciting!

  7. We were going to try these but thought they look too large for us to eat without having to be broken up. So we opted for the chicken breast ones...which are very good too.

  8. Years ago, when we roasted a turkey for a Thanksgiving, we cooked up the innards that came with it and gave the gizzard to our alpha cat, Lucky (R.I.P.). He was so taken with it that he growled at the other cats when they came near. After everyone else gave up and wandered off, Lucky followed them, carrying the gizzard and growling as if to say "I've got it and you haven't! So there!" This happened over 20 years ago, and we still laugh about it to this day. Thank you, Connie, for reminding me of this again!
