
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sending good thoughts to Lion and his family

Five years ago we fostered little Lion. He showed up here with his siblings and covered in burrs. He went on to be adopted by a couple the CatMan and I have become friends with over the years.

Over the holiday Lion found himself some ribbon and gobbled it down rather quickly when no one was paying attention. Fortunately, it came out okay, but while at the vet being checked over he caught a bit of a cold and then passed it on to his siblings and none of them are eating at this point.

I hope by the time this is published everyone is eating again and his parents can get a break from the stress of it all.


  1. I hope sweet Lion and his siblings are feeling better and started to eat again. Wishing the furry gang and their parents all the best.

  2. Poor Lion! I am purring for him and his family to get over their sniffles. He really dodged a bullet with that ribbon!

  3. Sending healing thoughts to Lion and his siblings.

  4. Poor little guys. We hope it passes quickly. When we read "ribbon" we thought oh no ! Glad that wasn't the real problem .

  5. Oh, first cat I had (when I was a kid) also has eaten the ribbon. I was super worried about her, but vet told us to wait. We also gave her liquid paraffin and she also returned it with feces. What a relief!

  6. oh no - poor Lion and his family. hopefully everyone is feeling better and eating now

  7. Oh noes! I'm going right over to the human who lives with Lion and comment!

  8. We hope Lion and his siblings feel better soon. Ribbon ... so pretty ... but such a pain in the behind (sometimes literally!!).

  9. Purrayers for Lion & his fursibs ! He's a very handsome boy.

  10. Sending get well purrs to Lion and his siblings.

  11. Keeping Lion and his family in our thoughts and hoping for quick recoveries. (As a side note, I never would have guessed it's been five years since you fostered him. It seems much more recent to me than that!)

  12. Oh I hope all is well for all of them

  13. Wow, that was lucky. A kitty cold is better than a strangled intestine!

  14. This is so sweet! Thank you! We are so lucky to be Lion's happy, not least because it brought us into your orbit. I'm delighted to report that everyone ate well twice today and kept it down. Harris has running around all day looking for trouble, and the other four are much more sociable again. Lion comes to visit me in bed now that I have a sore back. It's like he knows I need his company.

    1. "people" not "happy" although we are both. Also, DO YOU HAVE A KITTEN?????
